oh yeah, i got sick for one day, but i BEAT IT DOWN AGAIN! hell yes. it
only took about 24 hours this time. i told that pathetic excuse of a
disease to not even try to bring something back. but it did try and got
its ass kicked. my immune system fucking rocks.
i seem to have kicked it up a small notch in spanish, the last 2 or 3 classes have actually not been that bad.
maddox is supposedly writing a book. awesome. i want to get it if it comes out in stores around here.
me and dan, we should really get to work with that Fuck metal genre
making. and thats saying fuck, metal, its jsut fuckmetal, an attempt to
make the absolute hardest shit awesome noise possible with
whatever. lol. i think we could jsut get me him/you and me and
mayabe some other person with some really good vocal system and jsut do
everythign with our mouths and voices. that would definatly be
"new". and we all know how original you have to be around dan.
we should all go by one letter of the alpebet until their is more than
26 of us. i would be B. i guess, eventhough my favorite letter is
probably K, kuz its so kool. i wonder if anyone else has a favorite
letter. probably.