Golden Slumber the movie

Sep 25, 2010 09:07

Honestly, I cannot remember why I downloaded the movie. I mean, I remember downloading it, but I had zero idea of what it was about (I really forgot) but for some reason, I decided to watch it last night. And when I woke up (I slept 6 hours but somehow I woke up and didn't feel sleepy at all), the movie was still on my mind so yea, I had to do a review.

I guess I could have downloaded it because of the cast - because of Sakai Masato (while I was in the JOKER mode); or Takeuchi Yuko (we all know that Nino is a stalker-fan of hers hahahha. Well and that I have heard her name around ever since I was maybe....10? Back then when we had j-wave in Singapore. Yet I don't exactly remember hear acting so I wanted to check it out.); and I remember looking at the list of the cast and thinking, "That's a lot of familiar names" - besides the two of them, there were Aibu Saki, Sonim, Gekidan Hitori, Kanjiya Shihori .........who do not play important roles, but are still essential to the story in their own ways.

And I really really really hope you'll watch Golden Slumber (honestly, a gem!) so I'm going to put this under a cut in case I spoil the movie for you. 

(In fact, I wouldn't put a lot of caps because this is the kind of movie where you must watch it to understand how good it is. And I don't want to spoil that surprise:D) Let's just keep it simple and say.........this movie is about the assassination of the Prime Minister of Japan, with a Prisonbreak-like twist (not the jailbreak part LOL).

Where should I start............? 

Sakai Masato as Aoyagi Masaharu. It could be the impact of watching JOKER  but everytime his face appeared on the screen with some narration about 'punishment', Date-san pops into mind;D The second cap shows exactly what he was doing throughout the movie - RUN. I don't think there is anyone who will not be rooting for him. He plays the kind of average person who just lives among people. The kind of forgettable person with an average job (deliveryman) - nice, trusting person whom you expect to live a peaceful life. The kind of person whom you hope will walk out of this crap, a winner. It is difficult to say if he won or lost with the ending, because he did lose quite a number of things (the identity, his friends, and his mormalcy), yet like what his friend (portrayed Yoshioka Hidetaka), he ran and survived. Because some things just don't change - the habits and the trust in people (I can flail so much about the subtle message about this that is peppered through the movie. OH MY GOD SO GOOD. Of course I'd wish for a happier ending but that would be unrealistic wouldn't it. I LOVE THE ENDING OH MY. It just wraps up the entire film and goes, "BAAM" in your face.) Anyway, the acting was so solid I have nothing to say. And like Date-san, Aoyagi-san here at the end will always try to right things that went wrong (or at least, try). 

This cap shows one of my many favourite scenes. It was another of those "BAAM" moments.

Beneath all that story about human tenacity  is one about friends and trust. Really, I think that makes up the core of this film - to think about who are the ones you can trust, and who trusts you. Trust is indeed a 2-way process isn't it? It introduces to you about the idea of 'Who are the unlikely allies who will help you in times of trouble?' (though it hardly touches on the 'Why' aspect, which you realise later, makes a lot of sense because most of the times, there isn't a specific reason that makes you trust a person. Sure, one could say that, "Because he looks decent," but that is just one of the many things that make you finally end up with a conclusion of "Yes, I trust this person." But how about the times when the person who helps you seem odd himself? Where does that trust come from?

Anyway, looking at the caps, I am sure you see a ton of familiar faces from dramas or movies or what not. That was such an interesting experience. Like, finding the 'Hachi' from ' Taiyo to Umi no Kyoshitsu' in it. And as you watch on you'll find the man from Ryusei no Kizuna, 'Mei' from 'Love Shuffle' and so on.

And the bad guys..........well there's not much to say about them because they are pretty much painted as 'bad'. Like, any ounce of 'good' in the 'bad' was erased, even if they may be a cop or hold some higher positions than what their actions seem to say otherwise. Aibu Saki's role spoke like......4 sentences? 2 of which were spoken with voiceovers so it wasn't much of a role, but rather a pawn used by the bad guys to manipulate people. I supposed these bad guys could be good (if they brought in family, or the reasons they did what they did), but well, that plays on not just the character's trust, but the viewers' trust in people doesn't it? (But it's just a personal thing but I absolutely hate it when characters whip out guns and shoot. It's like,"So you win because you have got a weapon?" Yea so I was s absolutely disgusted with the killer with the red ....what you call that. Headset? (My first thought was to call it earmuffs LOLOL)

It is not a new story, yet done so amazingly by a brilliant writer. The execution and planning of the flow of the plot was amazing, and in a somehow light-hearted and very Japanese way (about hope, life, trust). You can feel that Japanese style with the humour and the cast they brought in (the various characters that surprise you repeatedly. Most of them don't have a substantial role/speaking time in it but they contribute to the entire film and that makes it awesome). This is not to say that there are no loopholes, and exaggerated parts of the story that makes you think,"Huh? Why/How can that actually happen?" An example would be that roadblock. How would the colleague know that the roadblock was ahead when it was filmed along a bend (it was obviously a blindspot)? It is not perfect, but it just is damn good that all those minor details, even though it irks you a little (because you wish that it could have been perfect),you don't really care.

I haven't watched a movie and felt this way for a long time so PLEASE WATCH IT. DON'T MISS SUCH A GEM ;D

Just because the two children are so adorable !! Isn't that boy the same on from 'Chonmage Purin' who calles Ryo 'Nishikido'? HAHAHA. Even though he spoke like, a line, it was OH SO FREAKING ADORABLE.

And one of my many favourites. SERIOUSLY GOOD!! 

movie: golden slumber (japan), review

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