Sep 15, 2010 22:21

It's out! :D This is just a short review because I am happy for the album and DVD performances for the unplugged. (OKAY, maybe it turned out to be a super duper long major post. But you know, it's a lot of things one would want to say because it has been so long since their last album...!) :D


The covers - have I mentioned how much I like the LE cover? I do like it a lot. It has a concept, and is creative. That is a big plus. Whoever did Sakura Girl’s cover and LIVE cover should have their jobs. (While whoever did Summertime should just be fired HAHAHA)

Anyway, here are my opinions about the album. MY opinions’s personal and taste is subjective!

01 Koi no ABO
When I first heard the song in the past, I disiked it. I thought it was tacky and the PV was just...."HUH". Yes, I hated it quite a bit (because this song just wasn’t....the greatest). BUT I hung on, and come to think of it, I am glad they did this song. It is probably those performances that made me change my mind. Seeing them in the outfit and glasses, coupled with the choreography just make it so fun to watch.

It is a fun song that gets everyone hyped up. The ‘Hot hot hot’ and ‘Koi no, koi no, koi no, ABO’ is as catchy as can be. Like the ‘Ra ra ra-a-a-a-ah’ in Lady Gaga’s Bad romance if you get what I mean. So what, if it is not my favourite LOL. And thing is, if NEWS hadn’t done something like that, they would probably find it difficult to break out of their shell back then. I have read about people saying that they are boring, and that is something I dislike, It's such a generalisation (just because they are not into variety; because they didn't seem close to one another; because they are bad at talking). So yes, thanks for Koi no ABO.

This song is written by GReeeeN right? Seriously, GReeeeN writes great pop songs. Go listen to them. Their songs tend to stay in your head. The intro to their songs usually grabs you and the chorus will always have a ring to it (which is easy to remember).

I like how the song starts: very NEWS-ish. In fact, it has the same vibes as ‘Stardust’ in the Colour album, don’t you think? It’s pop with a little bit of rock (well, and since it’s written by GReeeeN.) I think using Yamapi’s voice at the beginning is spot-on . This is when his nasal voice works, and I love how Tego’s voice follows. My favourite part of this song is when they played with they dropped the melody of the song a little right before the chorus (sung by Koyama in the first verse, and Massu in the second verse).

03 Umare shi kimi e
This was one of my favourites from the previews. I said ‘was’ just because I think they really made a wrong choice by getting Ryo to start the song off. As we know, Ryo has a voice that sometimes sounds nasal and slightly strained. He knows how to make use of his voice. But I was surprised when the song played and his voice....just clashed with the gentle, slower-tempo, melodious piece like this, which I felt was what created minus points for the song. I honestly think it would have been way better if Tego, Yamapi or Massu started the song.

That said, this song has a very catchy chorus that people can sing along and the parts with the instruments (I assume was violin) was great. Pay attention to those, they are very beautiful....! This is one of my favourites, even though it is a slightly different sound from usual NEWS.

04 Supernatural
This was the song that surprised me the most in the previews. The title suggested a fast, rock, dance-y track but it turned out to remind me of Tegomasu’s Pasta, especially at the chorus part (I love Tegomasu, but Pasta was never my favourite since....they have so many songs that are better).

Now that I have listened to the whole track, once again, I am surprised. Because the intro of the song would never let one expect the chorus to be this. Based on the intro, I would have thought that it would be a jazz-y piece, maybe something like ‘Kesenai’ (because of the piano accompanionment, and not such a Christmas-y chorus). I HONESTLY think that the chorus is like Pasta Part II. That said, I surprisingly enjoyed this song. My favourite part is Tegoshi’s part (that was right after Ryo) that led to the chorus. I thought Shige’s and Yamapi’s voices sounded strained.

05 Aki no Sora
Here it is, the song for autumn and was named by Tegoshi and Massu as the song they liked according to that magazine translation I read. A pretty ballad indeed. For once, this is a song with a rather simple melody which basicallyrepeats itself.

I actually like all their voices in this. Ryo’s voice helped add an extra element to it to make it differ from a standard sweet sounding ballad (Ryo knows how to croon very well, doesn't he?) Shige’s voice works too, in a melodious song like this where lower ranges are covered. Keichan’s voice sounded more forceful than usual. The song matches Yamapi's range so it sounds easy, And well, Massu and Tegoshi are obviously in their comfort zone with a song like this (where the two sing somewhere after the middle of the song - the key was high but I thought it was beatuiful. That's my favourite part of the song.

06 2hito/130000000 no Kiseki (favourite!)
Aha, NEWS-ish intro - one can tell from the start. One of my favourites from the previews too, and IS still one of my favourites. This is reminiscent of ‘Baby, be my Baby’ rom Summertime single. I know I keep making comparisons, but it really does sound similar in their own ways. No doubt, the melody is different, but the style is unmistakeably the same. Try listening to them both together. The chorus is of course catchy (it’s Jpop from JE - are there actually chorus that are not catchy? HAHA).

I think it is a very NEWS-ish song, and that makes me like it even more. Because NEWS songs to me equate to the need to have English lyrics in it (even if they fail to pronounce it), the pop sound, a little of song manipulation to add that slight techno sound.This song is where Keichan's improved voice becomes more obvious.

07 Dancin’ in the Secret
What’s a NEWS album without a song like this. Reminiscent of Bambina - and a catchy phrase starting from ‘You are the One, mo hanasanai~’ till ‘It’s like you’re dancing (funky? I can’t exactly make the word out), dancing in the secret~’. HAHA. Super catchy and it is DEFINITELY a NEWS song hahahha. Koyama sounds exactly like....when he’s performing Love addiction and Yamapi sounds like he is performing One in a Million.

I hope they perform this in the concert, and maybe in the style like what they did with Devil & Angel and I ZA NA I ZU KI. It would be super cool - and is perfectly compatible to be performed with Koi no ABO. And seriously, the song just grows on you.. It's not even a style I like just grows on you.

08 Wonderland
SUPER NEWS-ish again, don’t you think? Sorry if my comment gets old, but this is the kind of song the past NEWS used to have, and is what I identify NEWS as. This should be performed in the concert..! (I wanted to say it will definitely be performed in the concert....but it’ll be embarrassing if it isn’t HAHA) It’ll be a waste if it’s not! Reminds me of 'Teppen' :D

In such up-tempo songs like this, I find it difficult to comment on the vocals. But I like the harmony (if you hear carefully you can hear the harmony at some points), and I think this is what makes it fun to listen. I guess this is what makes NEWS songs fun to listen. They have harmonies in their songs and after listening it you will notice new things.

09 Sakura Girl
Hah, I can at least safely mention that this will be part of the concert, since they mentioned that they are looking forward to performing this, together with koi no ABO which they have not yet done in a concert. Let me first say that, I HATED THE PV. Like, seriously, what kind of lousy PV is this. An outdoor shoot that ended up looking like CG and half the time who actually notices the background when it’s all blurry and all that was filmed were their faces and of them strolling along that bridge.

That said, Sakura Girl is catchy isn’t it? ‘Sakura no youna, kimi deshita. Haru no youna, koi deshita. Itsumademo tsuzuite yukuto~’  I liked this single’s cover a lot, because one could see the thought and concept put into it:D

10 BE FUNKY! (least favourite><)
The song for Shige’s Troubleman! Initially when I first heard it, I found the song loud and rather noisy. Then I realised it was more of the quality of the rip that made me feel that way. But after hearing it in the album, I still find myself having trouble (no pun intended HAHA) liking the song.

Sure, the chorus is so catchy. ‘Fun-Fun-Funky time~’, and I really like the little raps in between the melodies. However, I don’t like the change in melody leading up to the chorus (Tegoshi and Yamapi singing). Mainly because I find that part very detached from the song. And the whole song just does not seem to flow well, despite the chorus being very catchy.

11 D.T.F
I find this leaning more towards Tegomasu style when I first heard the preview (because it is so CUTE. And cute songs go hand in hand with Tegomasu). I still feel the same way though. But besides Tegomasu, the song reminded me of AAA too. I don’t know why, but I can imagine a song of their having the same intro. (Anyway, what does DTF mean....?!)

I like this song - just because it is so fun to listen to..  Massu has learnt to play around with his voice  :D His voice stands out in this song. When I first heard the previews, I loved the chorus of this song. And I still do, such a CUTE chorus. I have no other words because the chorus just sounds SO CUTE.

12 Naiyou no nai Tegami (favourite!)
OKAY moving on to Massu’s apparent favourite song (since he has mentioned it a couple of times in magazines now). I have a lot to say about this song. First of all, I may be the only one who feels this way - but I wish they would cut down on the ‘No Letter content’ in front LOL!I mean, I understand how it leads up to the song, but it’s too long! Removing some in front would make me love the song even more.

And Massu starting off this song is perfect, because such a gentle song fits his voice so well. It felt like silver melting into musical notes. Yamapi’s voice in this song is LOVE. Admittedly, I have an issue with Pi’s poor singing on live shows, but I felt that his voice felt like......clouds in this song. Fluffy, warm and simple - very suitable. Tego’s melodious vibrato is obviously very lovely. It feels like.....honey. Sweet, and it floats around the melody.

And the trio singing in the second verse - Shige Koyama Ryo, they changed their singing style....! It was super obvious especially with Koyama and Ryo. It surprised me A LOT, because I recognise their voices but it's the first time I went,"Hmmm?Whose voice is this?" when I heard Keichan sing, with a..... swagger in his voice. It took me a few listens to get used to it, but I actually am starting to like it....! The fact that he learnt how to play with his voice proved that he has improved doesn’t it? As for Ryo-chan, as we all know Ryo has a husky voice. But this, I realised sounds different from his usual (more nasal). I have a feeling it’s the influence of Saito Kazuyoshi (I mean it! Have a look at the performance they had together on SCP).

And now to the chorus, have I mentioned how much I love the chorus? I loved the part when the melody drops fluctuates a little - aka the ‘tsuzuru omoi wo nanmai mo nanmai mo, hashiru pen ga tomannai yo’ part. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. It just works very fine for me.

13 Endless Summer (favourite! AND KOYAMA'S IMPROVED VOICE)
And this is Ryo’s favourite - apparently he loves the ‘nuance’ of the lyrics HAHA? I personally love it when Massu’s and Ryo’s voices come together. Because their voices are obviously of different quality, and the contrast somehow matches very well. When they have harmonies in songs, or when their voices come one after another (it actually happens quite often if you listen to NEWS songs...!), I somehow will take note of it. Simply because they match and sound good.

The biggest surprise here is KOYAMA. Kei-chan,,,,,,we have to admit that his voice has room for improvement. And from this track it is obvious he has improved, and that makes me so happy! I don’t think I would ever think he could carry off his part of the song if it were the old Koyama.  Tego's melody part is like honey as usual, smooth and pretty. I like how Massu and Shige started the first verse and second verse respectively. One minus point - I don’t  like Ryo’s solo part at the end - it sounded so strained . I would have liked Shige to try that part since his voice is of similar quality to Ryo’s, but is less strained, more muffled.

14 Share 
This song is special. I love the thought they put into it, the flow of the melody and the order they sing in. I cannot say how much I love it, from the first time I heard from the fancams, to the recording in koi no ABO and NWPD DVD. As I mentioned, Ryo and Massu’s voices coming one after another is one of my personal favourites. feels like mixing an acid with alkali, if that even makes sense lol.

I love all the voices in the song - they are obviously comfortable with the range and key. The tempo of the song has been upped a little compared to the other version (very obvious at the chorus) but I would have liked it slower, and with a softer bass (it makes the gentle song sound techno with this arrangement><) I definitely prefer the live recording of 'Share' during NWPD bcause that was just.....special:D

15 Forever (Unplugged Ver.) (loved both the unplugged and original!)
To me, Forever was the song that created a new style for NEWS, besides their usual dance-y tracks and genki songs. (Which is why tI thought the Colour album was the most defining one for them). Comparing the original version and this - I find it difficult to decide which is better. I personally like the unplugged version just because harmonies in the song are now more obvious and that makes it beautiful; while the original version is still very lovely because the manipulations made the R&B feel stand out even more. When the song is pretty like this, who would really bother about the incomprehensible English inside HAHA :D (And, can you hear Keichan's improved voice?:) )

OKAY now onto the real GEM of the album: the unplugged. I love it. There's something about singing Unplugged that makes it beautiful. Though I am not sure if they did tweak the performances' vocals, but whatever it was, the result was pretty....! They may not be the best singers around, but well, they sure can sing as a group and carry a tune. (And this is my bias but I love it Massu sings live. He looks serious and of a different aura). HERE WE GO: CAPSPAM :D

Don't they look so much like choir boys? I love the whole atmosphere. Well, maybe it's because I love hearing people sing live in the first place, so no matter what I'll like it. They sound real good (maybe there were some editing but who cares!) and most importantly, they looked like they enjoyed it so much. Just pay attention to the smiles :D I love how they filmed the instruments too. Made everything look so classy.

Sakura Girl for Spring!

Don't they all look good :D (Plus, Tegoshi is picking up those hand movements of Massu's or something. I don't remember him doing that so often in the past.....?!)

(Look at the hands!) And it's just that.....Tegoshi looks so tiny when he slouches to sing hahahhah.

I love it when Massu scrunches up his face to sing . I don't know why.....! I just love it hahahha.Plus, Yamapi looks so good with that hair :D He looks so good and that hair (I am sure it has been styled) looks so effortless.

And Ryo looks good when he croons. But Shige always looks....stressed. I AM SERIOUS! HAHA.

That's the Shige we know hahahha . Those expressions XD.


What a preeeeeeeeeetty sight. Ryo has such a maniac smile which looks so good and so damn adorable. It is like....the 'Kudo' side of him. (What, I do like JOKER a lot! Last episode is out..........and I am waiting for it to load on Tudou T_T)

*Waves hi happily* Their hair colour matches hahahah (Obviously I am running out of comments HAHA. But their hair colour does match! )

Don't they look happy together? HAHAHA

Well, just because I am just a little biased......HAHAH.

Massu looks like such a puppy. Or maybe a chipmunk. Or a kitten. HAHA (and look at Happy Ryo :D)


This was my favourite performance out of the four. I love the rest too, but I thought this fits the atmosphere very nicely, and I love it.

My favourite part, when they key was raised and the two sang that little melody :D I chose this cap because they look like they are doing the same action and that amuses me a lot more than it should hahhahaha. Anyway, unlike the rest who seem to fit well in suits, these two look .....too young, somehow XD


I thought this set was the most gorgeous. The colours, the saturation were so perfect for winter and the song:D

See, this is what I mean about how Ryo looks when he is singing. *Stares* hahhaha. And suits fit Pi so well.

And now, the moments from their rehearsals! :D

For once, Massu is not wearing his usual baggy rehearsal tshirts! :D (I have probably said it umpteenth times but I really like his singing face ! hahahahha)

Maniac smiley Ryo is priceless XD

And it was adorable seeing Tegoshi mess up not once, but twice. Look at his face HAHA, it totally spells guilt with a capital G. (He needs to eat more-.-)

Koyama just cannot be separated from Shige (just look at how happy he is. HAHA well looking at Shige's face I don't think anyone can keep a straight face)

But the my-pace person had to interrupt their sweet time together
Koyama' and Massu's laughing faces are priceless too XD They are obviously enjoying it HAHA.


...and more dorks XD One doesn't seem to know that candle burns and is hot, while the other obviously yearns to be a NIKE spokesperson HAHA.

Tego looks evil and adorable at the same time. No wonder Koyama always falls for his charms haha.

The most messed up 'Just do it' that I have ever heard my whole life HAHAHHAHAHHA. No wonder he can silence the whole Tokyo Dome with what he says XD

Just look at the two creepy stalkers behind. HAHA. Not creepy? You sure?

Now you know XD

Happy Ryo triumphs bored and cool-looking Ryo ANYDAY. I mean it.

And they obviously love Happy Ryo. Look at Pi's laughing face! :D


For all the smiles.........(and the rolling credits were timed so perfectly. 'Johnny Kitagawa' had to appear.......!

Happy Massu and Happy Ryo make a super beautiful picture - 2 of the best smiles in one picture:D  (Stupid credits had to keep rolling!) Happy NEWS is the best hahahhaha

:D Don;t these make you want to smile ?

When Forever was played - it's Awesome with a capital A. (Not just the song itself, but everything - the hair, the outfit, the tempo of the song, the beat, the image of all 6 of them singing in their most comfortable positions and bouncing with the rhythm (But why is it just in the credits....! And unable to take caps for that part since most of it were covered by the rolling credits....!

PLEASE SELL WELL, LIVE!!!  The songs are good, catchy pop; the boys look like they are enjoying themselves; and the unplugged performance was solid enough so yes, please sell well!  

caps, picspam:news, news

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