Jan 19, 2009 14:27

AHA. i simply stumbled upon voice ep 1 ( i didnt even know it started showing already!-.-) and so i watched it with zero expectations and POOF,

Read more... )

jdrama:voice, arashi, mini picspam, caps, crack, news, jdramas

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chrizpo_25 January 19 2009, 09:57:13 UTC
Is it just me who wonders that any JE Boys look good even though they're cross-dressing!?

Sho and Nino look really cute in the maid dress XD
Even the juniors(e.g Shoon) tried those cross-dressing on the Shibuya episode Hyakushiki though not as maid but a sexy chick and looked very authentic!!

Thanks for posting this, it really give me some cracks XD


sling90 January 19 2009, 17:27:02 UTC

shoon has tried before??? i cant imagine it cuz shoon looks so...strong haha. whatever i mean LOL.

sho and nino look pretttttty dont they haha :D

and welcome :D


chrizpo_25 January 21 2009, 05:19:42 UTC
yup, Shoon has tried once, in case you haven't seen it.

... )


sling90 January 21 2009, 12:07:30 UTC
hahaha he looks so muscular (the arms!)
and is the one beside him....keito? LOL it looks like-.-


chrizpo_25 January 21 2009, 15:12:46 UTC
you've guessed it, it IS Keito.


sling90 January 21 2009, 15:16:52 UTC
IT REALLY IS HIM? hahah seriously, the things that they all have in common must be crossdressing haha-.-


chrizpo_25 January 21 2009, 15:37:42 UTC
-_- Actually, I started suspecting that Johnny listed "look good in cross-dressing" as one of the requirements to pass the audition.


sling90 January 22 2009, 04:16:47 UTC
hahah maybe that's it!
(but on the other hand.... keito looks weird with the wig on:/)
so maybe like, "willing to cross-dress" instead of "look good in cross-dressing" hahahha-.-


chrizpo_25 January 22 2009, 06:51:32 UTC
XD "willing" is a stronger word than just "look good"
Do you mind if I add you as a friend, since I just joined Lj quite recently so I have zero friends and it's always nice to know other people who love Massu(and his sweet angelic smile XD) as well. ^^


sling90 January 22 2009, 14:58:12 UTC
yea it proves they're all game enough to try it out :D

yep no problem! i think it's always nice to know more people with same interests^^
i've been lurking around lj a long time it's only recently that i find it entertaining to post hahaha.
and yea, his smile :)

and i just went by your lj and saw your new year resolutions. i also habour the hope of going to a NEWS concert too ! someday...:/


chrizpo_25 January 22 2009, 15:34:34 UTC
Eh? You read the resolutions?
Hazukashii na~ >//<


sling90 January 22 2009, 15:57:49 UTC
haha nothing to be embarrassed about! i dont make new year resolutions (cuz i KNOW i cant keep them)

but the things i want/hope are much the same as those you made for your future haha. hoping results would be okay when i get them in a few months and able to figure out what course/ faculty i want to pursue in university.

and to go japan AND to attend a NEWS concert. if possible, asap cuz...who knows what will happen in the future.

and i want to pick up a musical instrument this year haha.cuz the only thing i can play is...harmonica-.- i want to learn keyboard!


chrizpo_25 January 22 2009, 17:06:00 UTC
Uwah, but I still think it's embarassing -_-

Reading your comment makes me think that we are kind of in the same boat(pardon me if it's not)

I actually thought the same about going to a NEWS concert but you see, there's tedious arrangements to make(the tickets,the visa,the fees and the list goes on and on)and circumstances don't allow me to do so.

and.. you can play harmonica? that's great, not many people can play that, well in my own place though.
I play the piano and can't think of something great about it because it's pretty common here. -_-


sling90 January 23 2009, 08:39:07 UTC
yep i kinda think we are in the same boat too.

me too! i've thought about it but i realised i've no idea how to go about doing it. like how to get tickets, directions, accomodation, money, so on and so forth. it's the fact i've never travelled alone so i've no idea about those stuff. but i was thinking next year maybe since i'm a year older i hope i get to do so. not that a year makes much of a difference but...well it's worth dreaming-.-ll

yep i play harmonica, not that i'm good at it though-.- a lot of people here play piano too! seems to be a common activity here but well I CAN'T so i envy those who know. since i seem too old to learn i was thinking keyboard would be pretty o-kay too if i can learn it^^

just want to jump out of this.....zone i'm stuck in-.-


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