Jan 19, 2009 14:27

AHA. i simply stumbled upon voice ep 1 ( i didnt even know it started showing already!-.-) and so i watched it with zero expectations and POOF,

this spells the start of me getting hooked. oh it's my kind of show :D
i hope it gets better, and not leave the expectations which i now have hanging.

the 5 medical students.

i'm such a sucker for shows where a group of people get together and become a group that....belongs. as long as there's a bond and there's laughter and....comfort.
think nobuta, grey'sanatomy,taiyo to umi,mybossmyhero, rnk and it goes on and on and on.

akira the one who looks scary makes weird faces and always faints in the autopsy room. and looking damn good in scrubs.

teppei, the one who looks like he's groing to cry and spouts out stuff all the time, and ends up being akira's target.

but well, they are so going to become best friends LOL!

aki, the serious one who is so going to change because of the rest and who has enough spunk to punch eita haha. oh and of course, with a sad past and so looks perpetually depressed at times.

and from here...more pictures (HAHAHA i cant help it. i tried to be fair to everyone ... BUT ahah failed to do so. hahaha there's always a BUT-.-)

ryosuke!! (sorry i tried to restrain myself and be objective  but...i cant help but add the exclamation marks-.-)
the one who's all witty and smart and cheerful but actually detests not being able to follow his interests and having to face expectations from his hospital-director-dad who has high hopes of him taking over.
the kind of adorable and lovable character - just like nakatsu, but with more brains and a doctor father HAHAHA!

and daiki!! the one who's seems to have what it takes to be an outstanding one in the field of forensic science and seems to be the one bringing the group together. oh and and super tight and long time friends with ryosuke.
totally adorable and lovable too - just like a takeru who switched career from hairdresser to medicine hahaha.

and lastly, just an appearance but....

IS HE THE OGURIN FROM LASTFRIENDS?? takeru and ogurin reunite!hahaha kinda looks like but i'm not sure. this is damn random LOL!

SERIOUSLY, the things that come out from my brain.

and anyway, these two make an adorable pair ♥♥♥

like ruffling the hair♥ .

those looks .

the teasing

and the fooling around

seriously adorable. i mean, look at eita's sleeves and toma's face lol! such win.

eita looks so adorable with the hair! but then again, anything is better than the edwardscissorhands hair in last friends LOL! plus he reminds me of detective conan-.- the anime version.
and his actions are like...that detetive kid in tantei gakuen Q?just a feeling la.
and toma is as usual TOMA :D
sigh the two of them in a single show is enough to leave me flailing so hard HAH XD

YAY so do watch it ya!:D

(i shall not spam toma and eita's caps HAHA!)

i saw tegoshi the schoolgirl pic at the news winter party diamond con and ahahhaha, i cant help it.
sigh, the things i do sometimes.i enjoy too much of self-entertainment:S
i'm just back from work, and back from a sumptuous dinner at northpoint (gosh the jap-themed food court was so so so awesome:D :D :D :D)
and after doing some stuff here i am.
yay i'm easily satisfied, no? LOL.
(it's all about crack. LOL.)

UNDER THE CUT is where the JE girls live

when the keio boy meets the maid.
here comes SHO THE MAID.

who twirls.

and looks so pretty dressed as a girl....

that even dear riida is interested.

or maybe a part of his memory of the past was awakened.
( i so so so love d no arashi :D :D :D)

and aiba decides to try it out. must be sho's influence.
(is it me or...aiba has feminine legs-.-)

and matsujun does not want to lose out and turns into a humble wifey married to nino

who tried on the maid costume as well. (gosh nino looks too normal!)

and turned out to be the one who influenced sho?
OH. what a group.

and massu who used to back dance for arashi decides to try the senpai's ways

and is toooooo strong

and tooooo cute for his own good.

of course, he's had bad hair days as a girl....

and so has tegoshi...

who then decides to try out long hair.( gosh the skirt is like....way too short and...hmmm...)

and shows koyama what he can do.

who has had experience LOL, along with shige and kusano

too bad i couldnt find more pics, these pics here are all that i have on my comp.
and i couldnt find pics of other je groups crossdressing, or it'll have been much more fun LOL.

so i'll end it off with the most idol-like expression ever XD

hahaha. never fails to crack me up XD
and these expressions deserve another entry of its own, definitely :D
back to doing drafts for shoes then!.

**p.s voice caps are made by by me, others images from google, news_jpop and everywhere else!**

jdrama:voice, arashi, mini picspam, caps, crack, news, jdramas

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