Oct 19, 2005 19:03
I was writing a paper last night and I almost finished it when I got an im from one of my friends who had sex with Melanie…my ex girlfriend. Apparently she told him that I was the worst person ever and that im making up a lot of shit that im not making up…When you get to know someone really well and you put your heart into the relationship and they fuck you over many times in a row…you just get tired of it. I thought about trying to make things work with my ex girlfriend and I thought I was going to move towards that today…because my friends told me that they wouldn’t associate with me if I was with her. The fact that they were making me make the choice, made me want to be with her that much more. But I have talked to too many people about how she portrays me when she isn’t with me and I don’t like it. She makes it sound like I was the most horrible boyfriend in the world. I spent almost 3 grand in a little over a week in a half…does an asshole do that for his girlfriend? This guy told me pretty much that’s why she is with me. Well look at what this guy says about Melanie now:
“Honestly Melanie, the only outlet you have in life is just killing yourself. I mean, cause charlie has made it perfectly fucking clear that he doesnt want you anymore. You are not doing too good in school, and you have herpies. I honestly dont think you are capeable of feeling any sort of compassion or love for that matter. So what honestly do you have going for yourself in life? Do you, and humanity a favor, when you wake up, go down stairs, pop some pills. Im not just talking about tylenol, im talking the hard shit. Stuff that will kill you the first time you take it. I think sacrificing your life so that other peoples lives arent ruined, is the only way you are going to rest in peace. so just go ahead, fucking committ suicide. cause NO ONE fucking deserves to even know you. peace.”
I seriously don’t understand how someone can go around knowingly having sex without condoms with guys knowing you might have something...or in this case…having something. That’s the most immature thing ive ever heard of…There are so many better girls out there that like me for me and want to talk to me on the phone, want to be with me…want me for me. I mean the guy is going through her myspace shit right now and I don’t know how I could have ever loved this girl…she was such a lie to me. I don’t have a problem at all getting over her…I have plenty of people here for me. I am totally getting over her quick this time. My parents, my friends, and a few girls will help me out I guarantee it…I got two chicks numbers just today including the manager of coach. Normally I would get mad and try to get her back…but im through with that shit…I just get dragged back in…no the worst thing I can do is never speak to her again…because she will never connect with anyone like she does with me…but I connect with all kinds of people. She makes me out to be such a bad person, well why would you want to be with such a horrible person…well ill make your choice for you…its over for good…
Enough about that…its not even worth talking about anymore…its so cold in my dorm right now. I had Ashton and Anna over earlier and we watched some tv shows here…it was a lot of fun because I got to spend some time with people I don’t normally get to hang out with. Hey at least I got my cd burner back…to bad I couldn’t get the rest of my shit. I just saw a man hit another woman on Walker Texas Ranger…you know I wouldn’t mind choking a bitch right now…haha anyways im not really in the mood to sleep…I think from now on im just gonna have girls over to spend the night..i love cuddling, I think cuddling is the best thing in the world to have with someone. Ya I think things are going to just be fine…I have plenty of people there for me and I have done nothing wrong…ive just been proved wrong once again…oh well…im used to it of course! Anyways its like 545 and im still not asleep…I have class in two hours.. I mean she didn’t even want to talk on the phone…its like she didn’t even care about me. I could say so much to her right now about her grades, her lifestyle, her future…but I wont because I don’t need to. She knows that she is screwed in life…the lawsuirs that are coming for her…are going to be scary. I wont be there for her anymore…she made her choices…she lied to me and im not going to stand for it. That’s all I have to say about it..im done…game over