I thought I'd give this journal a breath of new life (even though no one will probably ever read it, I mostly write in my leather journal, and this website is not Twitter.) (and balls to Twitter. I hate stupid Twitter. "I'm gonna tweet about this!!" Bite me, you and lame Twitter.)
I'm just sitting here at my 'high capacity cubicle' (which does not imply I'm too fat for a normal cubicle, because I'm not) it means that my company was too cheap, and/or we're not important enough to be provided with nice individual cubicles where I could easily ignore the people currently sitting to my right and quietly fume in silence at the amazing amount stupid people that manage to call me every day.
So anyhow, I'm sitting here just thinking about stuff and then I remembered my good 'ol lj and thought I'd jot a few thoughts down, which I have done now and will go back to daydreaming about my day off tomorrow spent with my pregnant wife where I don't have to be here (yippee!!)
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