The numbers are in!

Feb 27, 2006 20:02

So word is out about the Comic-Con. It seems that I was at the New York event last weekend, so screw you to people who had "glamorous" and "non-nerdy" things to do. I pulled together a couple of newspaper articles, but to see what Milla J. had to say about the situation--besides a super-fake-nice "Thank you,"--see transmit's journal.

Apparently, more than 30,000 people flooded the Big Apple's first major comic-book convention, creating a jammed Jacob Javits Center and forcing organizers to turn people away, says USA Today, while Newsday puts the number at closer to 35,000. (Newsday also says that Gloria Steinem was actually there, and some dude who was dressed as Captain America was actually from Canada.) Thirty-five thousand people? That's way more than can fit in Madison Square Garden--and, obviously, more than can fit in the Javits Center.

So then, saying that the "Crush Catches Comic-Con by Surprise"" is a wee bit of a bit of an understatement, considering that the esteemed New York Times reported on Friday that "The organizers are hoping to attract 15,000 people." I think those organizers can give themselves a pat on the back.

"Shut-Out Comics Fans Cry #%@!" pretty much says the same #%@! as the rest of the articles, only while cramming in as many outdated comics-slang puns (ooh, a "bizarro" reference? How witty.) But they really give the organizers what fo'.

And, so you have an image that really hits home, just look at these .

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