Birthday Rockin' Week 4/5: The Dismemberment Plan II

Jan 30, 2011 15:06

What did I do for my birthday? I saw the effing Dismemberment Plan.

Somebody scream--all right.
We'll try to fill the echoless night.
So fasten up and hold tight--
We can't give up without a fight.
We're going back, and forth, and back, and forth, and back, and forth and back.

Venue: Webster Hall, either my least favorite or second-least-favorite venue in the city. (Terminal 5 is the other one.)

Seats/Position in Crowd/Up-In-Itness: We got there nice and early, so we were Up In It: close to the front, a little off to the side. I also brought a better purse, so dancing/jumping around was unencumbered. The other people who wanted to be Up In It, though, were mostly terrible, so it turned out to be mixed blessing.

OPQ (Old-Person Quotient): Amazing! The show was close to our apartment, and had a strict curfew. The opening act started exactly on time, and the Plan even came out a little early. We were home in time to start watching SNL live, even though we didn't get it together to do it.

Opening Act: Poor But Sexy, which had at least two members from the Dismemberment Plan, but sounded vastly different. They seemed very '80s to me, but maybe because the lead guy I thought looked a little like Rick Astley. I'm not complaining--they were super fun to watch. We were standing in front of the back-up singers who were doing back-up-singer dance moves really enthusiastically. They were the type of band to un-ironically name one of their songs "Hotter Than a Pop Tart." That can't be a bad thing.

Setlist: Jesse posted the setlist, because that's his thing. They kept all of the great songs from Boston, but switched in a few new ones. It's totally what a band should be doing during a multiple-night stand. They're playing NYC again tonight--I bet that one will be even more different than last night's.

High Point: "What Do You Want Me to Say" is becoming my favorite one to see them do live, especially because Travis changes the words to "to let you know that I do love you." I just think that's really sweet. Other highlights: buying a t-shirt with the date on it--my birthday!--and seeing Craig and Michelle on stage during "The Ice of Boston."

Low Point: Everyone else who got on stage during "The Ice of Boston." They took too long to get off the stage, and didn't filter back far enough when the did. The band had three more songs on the setlist that they didn't get to because of the dawdling, and the front got even more squished when the people crammed themselves into it from the stage. Also, leaving Webster Hall is kind of a mess, but it always is.

Exuberance: So much exuberance. A little too much exuberance?

It's going to be really hard to switch gears to seeing the Hold Steady tonight. If the times were just a little bit earlier, I probably would beg Jesse to take me to the beginning of the Plan show again and then leave early to see THS. It is, after all, the day after my birthday.

Up Next: The Hold Steady

the dismemberment plan, music, live music

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