I Believe in Harvey Dent!

Mar 23, 2008 22:42

A List of Awesome Things from This Weekend:

1. Mariah Carey. While I was at Jen + Nick's this weekend, Jen made everyone watch the new Mariah Carey video. Now, no one can top Jen as a Mariah Carey fan. I'd say my interest in her is passing at best. But the video is amazing. Hooray for Jack McBrayer! [Reference.]

2. Other stuff in Astoria. Oh yeah, besides watching Mariah, I also got to hang out with Bayard while he's on spring break, eat delicious pizza and a "homeboy" chocolate bunny, and win a round of the '90s game against tough competitors. Don't mess with me and the '90s!

3. Vooee. Jesse's friend from high school set up this website/Facebook application where all you do is make lists. You can comment on other people's lists, or post a list in response to someone else's. Obviously, this appeals to the super-nerd in me. I've already imported a bunch of stuff I had collecting dust in notepad files on my computer. It's much more fun to put them where everyone can see them. [Reference.]

4. Harvey Dent. I saw on the Internets that there was going to be a traveling van campaigning for Harvey Dent for "Gotham City District Attorney," and that it was coming to New York on Saturday. Jesse and I planned to get there as soon as it arrived and pick up some awesome campaign buttons to hang in my cubicle. I can't lie. I was really excited about getting the buttons. So we got there, and we found out that the campaign stop coincided with the big International Pillow Fight in Union Square, and everything was mobbed. It took us a while to find the van, which was a little off the beaten track on University Place. When we did, I asked for some buttons. The guy at the van gave them to us, along with two t-shirts, and told us to go sign a release form. A release form? Why? Well, we stuck around a little longer, and the guy handing out Harvey Dent swag corralled us all and said we were going to start marching and chanting. We quickly learned a few chants. (Easy ones, like "I Believe in Harvey Dent!" "We're Taking Back Gotham!" and "H.D. for D.A.") I was given a stack of postcards to hand out to people during the march from University Place into the thick of the pillow-fight action in Union Square. A film crew captured everything. Some people on the street knew what was going on and were excited about the swag we had to give out. Other people started asking me questions as if Harvey Dent were a real candidate. "What is he running for?" someone asked me. "Uh, D.A. of Gotham City?" was all I could say. Plus, while all of this craziness was going on, feathers were raining down on us from the pillow fight. It was certainly surreal. Afterwards, I was kind of exhilarated, but I also felt a little guilty because I did more for Harvey Dent than I did for anybody really running for president this year. Still, I can't help but feel that what I did was more awesome. [Reference.]

5. Irish soda bread. I love the stuff. Since Easter and St. Pat's were pretty close to each other this year, I decided that I wanted to attempt making a loaf of my own to bring to my family's Easter celebration. I am not an experienced chef, cook, baker, or Irishman, so the whole thing was very intimidating to me even though the recipe seemed pretty easy. Jesse and I made two loaves-one with raisins and one without-and they both came out pretty tasty. The one with raisins was even better, even though I don’t like raisins. Go figure. If I knew anything about cooking, I could try and figure out why, but I don't, so I guess it's one of those Easter mysteries. Speaking of which…

6…Easter. I got to see my family, stuff myself full of good food, and come home with a ton of freebies, from chocolate eggs that the Easter Bunny brought me to safety matches that I really needed for my stove. The only bad part of the celebration was that a skunk decided to show itself in the middle of the day. My aunt, who is Ms. Naturalist, said that skunks are nocturnal so if one was out and about something must be wrong, so we had to call animal control. We didn't know the number for animal control, so my sister called the local police, hoping they could dispatch animal control. Since we live in a small town in the 'burbs, they sent over two cop cars instead. Of course, by then the skunk had crawled under a bush and disappeared. Two cops crawled around our bushes for a while, found nothing, and went home. I bet we're now fodder for the local police gossip. Then, when I was leaving, there was an opossum crawling around in the bushes. I really must be a city girl now, because I was spooked that the 'possum wanted to spray me like a skunk. And yet, with all this wildlife out and about this Easter, I didn't see any bunnies!

easter, family gatherings, holidays, movies, food

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