This actually wasn't what I wanted for my first tattoo, but the other one needs some tweaking because of the way the image will look on my skin.
More about people from the Navy
My current roommates are Price, Albaverauribe (Alba for short, pronounced "Alba-vera-you-ree-beh"), and Meoli, who graduated yesterday and is now gone.
My opinions on all of them have basically reversed since I've lived with them. Initially I found Alba to be the most annoying, Meoli the most helpful, and Price the most personable.
Now, Alba is my favorite; She's 19, hyper and a bit chatty and loud, but a very nice person. She comes off a ditzy, but she's very down to earth, if a tad naive. She's Latino (Mexican, I believe), loves soccer and is the middle of breaking with her boyfriend (Oh the drama).
I like her very much. Shes immensely optimistic and I like her energy. We arrived at the barracks on the same day.
Price is extremely social, but mostly hangs out with guys and is constantly complaining about how all the guys are trying to get her number. She's not-so-secretly pleased with the attention though.
The first three days I met her, she spent $1,200 on clothes ($120 on a bikini. I was appalled, but it's her money). She strikes me as immature in some ways and it's a bit annoying, but we don't interact much. I'm not too nuts about her but I think that has more to do with conflicting personalities.
Meoli ... means well. She's 25, and from the Bronx and has a thick Bronx accent. She helped me and Alba get established into the barracks. She was a week from graduating when we arrived though, so she took to partying.
My last straw with her is when I heard she came into the dorm completely trashed. I didn't even mind that, but the next day she blamed the man she was with as the reason she got drunk.
"He asked me to go out with him again tonight. HECK NO. I'm not getting drunk again."
The man didn't force her to do anything, and Meoli kept complaining and complaining about how it was his fault. I said something to her about it too.
Just take responsibility for your own actions.
She didn't understand, and I don't know how she didn't.
I'm relieved she's gone, to be honest. There's only three of us right now, and the dynamics in the room have leveled. Meoli could be very overbearing despite her best intentions.
She gave me some of the clothes she couldn't pack. That was very nice of her.
During boot camp, my second bunkmate was Sarahi (Sah-rah-hee) Rodriguez. We were in a corner next to Fox, Trecero, and Garrity, of whom we all ended being good buddies (There's no 'friends' in the military. We do have people we get along with more than others, and are likely to hang out).
Rodriguez is Mexican, and while she seems low-energy at first, she's not. She talks a lot and has an unintentionally loud voice.
She strikes me as someone who would kill for the people she cares about. I know she was always very supportive, kind and honest.
We didn't get along at first, but that's because the second day we were bunkmates we had a bed-making drill and we did NOT agree on what to do. After having my routine down with Milsap, it was annoying to have to argue with Rodriguez on how things would go.
We figured each other out after a couple of weeks, and I ended up being better buddies with Rodriguez than Milsap.
Rodriguez always left her stuff on my bunk while changing clothes though, and that got annoying. I would retaliate by shoving her out of the way when I needed into my locker.
(More to come; Davis (And Davis), Richardson, Kolchinsky, Fernandez, Fox, Garrity, Trecero, Bau, Benjamin, Idrovo)