Now for a Meme! From
- Reply to this post with the word ICONS! and I will pick six of your icons
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts
- This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
This is my "HMM I'M HAVING A THOUGHT" icon. It's Chie Arai from "Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei", the school counselor.
Originally I picked it out because it's pretty. Then I actually watched the show and was like, "Hey, I have an icon of her". I like the style of opening sequences (First season, I think?) and while the colours aren't usually what I go for, it's, well, pretty.
This is Pino from "Ergo Proxy"! Ergo Proxy is one of my favourite animes for it's OMGDEEPNESS, and despite the OMGDEEPNESS, Pino is such a relief! I mean, look at that bunny hood. She's adorable. This is also my "AKDFJAS SO MUCH DO TO" icon.
Viral from "Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann". I needed a "wut" icon. And Viral always has a "wut" expression, followed by animalistic rage and manly passion. He's so cute, even if he is a furry bastard.
This is young France from "Hetalia". I just really like this fanart (It's almost the same style as the first icon). I always feel like this picture should bring nostalgia; Like smelling weeds in the summer, and warm breezes at night. I probably thought too hard about this picture, but it's one that always makes me happy.
This is my "every emotion but sad or upset" icon.
This is Danny from "Cats Don't Dance". It was a random icon I came across, and I was like "KFJA;K A GOOD ICON OF CATS DON'T DANCE I NEED THIS NOW". It's my "wut I'm so confused and am thinking too hard" icon.
If you didn't know, "Cats Don't Dance" has a fantastic soundtrack, and was Turner's first and only animated movie that was sadly overshadowed by the release of the new Star Wars movie. It should have a lot more love than it does. And, Danny is from Kokomo, Indiana.
This is Dr. Girlfriend from "Venture Bros". I just like her exasperation in this picture. And it's pretty. I always liked her character, even if I was genuinely confused at if she was a trap or not. This is my "I love you but you're silly" icon.