This was on a game's chat last night. Obviously I'm the America having a derp moment.

Aug 03, 2010 01:59

Australia: Okay guys, see you later, time for yoga.

America: At 2am?

Australia: PEOPLE LIVE IN OTHER PLACES DUDE. It's only 6 here.


???: It's 2am. Obviously his brain is fried.

Australia: I'm from Australia.

New Zealand: Really? New Zealand right here!

America: But Australia is like, America JR.

Australia: We are :(

New Zealand: And we're like America's Canada!

I went out and bought a fish tank. Oh silly me.

There's a new addition to the fishy family.

Oddly enough, my tiny room looks more open now.

It's been a long couple of weeks. I tried applying for another job, but my interview was terrible. At least I know what restaurants want me to say now. I only have 12 hours next week though, so I think this calls for a mini vacation. CJ, I'm looking at you.

I went to the bar this weekend. It was certainly an experience. I think this was the first time I jumped from person to person, having half-conversations and being totally comfortable. I had also already been drinking. Also, people like me more when I'm in makeup.

Going to the bar is a bit like acting, when I think about it. Part of me wishes I was actually this kind of person, being able to socialize comfortably and talk about Normal People Things. In reality, I'm a quiet nerd and wish I had more people to be silly and stupid with.

It seems like most of my friends that are willing to be a kid with me, don't mix adult activities like drinking, going to clubs. I wish my types of friends didn't have to be independent of each other.

When I go clubbing, I'm just like every other girl on the street. There's no way to make yourself distinctive because you're there to blend in, and have a good time while doing so. In a way it's comforting to know that I can blend. But being a person that loves seeing individualities and getting to know people for who they are rather than what small talk they can bring, it can be disconcerting if I'm not in the mood for it.

When I just want to be me, there's my real friends for that, and still I blend in with them because they are like-minded people. At the same time they're not, or maybe I should say I'm not, because I would like to mix not having my acting makeup on, with mingling in large groups and clubs and bars.

I'm probably over-thinking this.

We went home afterwards ($20 for a beer and two shots of whiskey, geeze!), and played Mushroom with beer. I fell asleep about 6:30 and went to work at 2 with the kind of hangover that kind of thrums to remind you that you were a little less than sober last night.

random update, you guys

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