No porn here. I talk about my dogs. You are feeling very sleepy.

Sep 08, 2006 12:40

Am going to NYC with husband for a week, starting mid next week. Am very excited, as have never visited there properly before, and will be staying with a very cool friend we haven't seen in too long.

But, have two fairly human-centric little dogs. Would prefer to avoid leaving them in a kennel, and even though I have 5 different friends who totally owe me reciprocal pet-care, for various reasons (allergies, cats, pit bulls...) none of them can take them into their houses. So we came up with this plan to leave the doggies at our house and have our generous friends come in and care for them. This works surprisingly well, as one friend lives a block away and doesn't work during the day, so he can (and is willing to) come over and hang out with them for part of the time. During the weekend, another couple will bring them over to their house to play in the yard during the day, then bring them back here at night. Everybody (including a couple of friends who aren't taking hands-on feeding type care) has keys and we're leaving beer in the fridge, the x-box set up, the ping-pong table out, and they've agreed to just stop by and give them love at random times.

So they'll get food and exercise and attention while we're gone. The big drawback (besides shamelessly using our friends) is the beasts will be indoors alone every night. I think they'll be cool with being alone, and they aren't destructive, but it's a really long time not to have access to the outside (depending on our friends' schedules). The room they're going to be staying in is slated for demolition/major remodel in the next couple of months, so I can live with some accidents if it comes to that.

Generally, people have been supportive of this plan, and remarkably generous in their willingness to help out. But my boss, who is also a friend and a more obsessive dog fancier than myself, is upset about the demons being left alone at night. So I'm wondering if the plan is abusive and bad, or if I should gently tell my friend/boss to stuff it (oh, and please don't fire me).
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