meresy is running a round of
C6D porn tag, and I, being foolish and horny, have done signed up. You should too. Porn! Raunchy dirty porn! Or mildly suggestive sweetness! Whichever! I approve.
Also, my parents are visiting this week (yay! I like them a lot and also their habit of spending money on me. I am scared of the day I grow enough pride not to enjoy that. Somebody-not-me might point out my advanced years and shake their head sadly over my poor and greedy ways, but somebody-actually-me is just going to be eating the good eats and getting a nice pair of water-resistant sandals and maybe a bra that actually fits, so bite me, somebody-not-me), so I am cuckoo to be signing up at this time. CUCKOO FOR PORN, that is.
In other news, yesterday was awesome. I miss Texas heat, and am so so so so in love with the good weather we've been having up here lately. Everybody was out and smiling and sunshiney and half naked yesterday, and
mrs_laugh_track, and
zabira stopped by my work and made me laugh, and then we had a hilariously drunk customer strike up a fast friendship with one of our regular slightly-unhinged customers and it was all really rather charming, even though I had to go hide from the madness. Good times.
In conclusion,