I make good Bambi eyes

Apr 20, 2009 18:00

So, I promised spuffyduds and qe2 a Merlin recs list. (Ahem. I made Bambi puppy dog eyes at Spuffy and Q until they'd watch Merlin with me then I bounced and made kissy faces at the screen and melted and oohed and giggled and fawned and then I promised the extremely fond and tolerant Spuffy and Q a recs list.) And it took a while! For I am slow.

IN FACT, it took so long that Spuffy actually wrote me Merlin fic before I posted the recs list. Spuffy is a better person and a better fangirl than I am, and I am not worthy to lick her boots. I will though, with pleasure, because she wrote A Rock That Spoke a Word (An Animated Mineral It Can Be Heard). Which is dog-POV Merlin fic, and, oh, gross and funny and adorable and very very delightful.

(Today is gorgeous, and everybody who came into the shop was in a good mood and I am in a good mood and my dogs are, you know, whatever, and I came home and there was a package I'd been waiting for on my doorstep and in my inbox was Spuffy's fic and I won myself a Dreamwidth code and, well. All right! Fucking A! 4/20 is a damn fine day. Somebody should make an informal holiday of cheeriness and self-indulgence around it, or something.)

Okay, so Merlin. I have a big schoolgirl crush on Colin Morgan (Merlin) and find Bradley James (Arthur) kind of spectacularly dipshitishly adorable. (And, really, I'm practically opening a squeaky door in my chest and blowing off the cobwebs and inspecting, all startled-like, this thing that still works! Look at it go all thunka-thunka-yes-moar. I have a CRUSH. Go me.)

All recs Merlin/Arthur, I'm pretty darn sure. Or Colin/Bradley. (And, wow, this is disorganized, incomplete, overlong, lacking helpful description or author names or ratings and suchlike. But, man, I am POSTING. Again, go me.)

They're very pretty. Beautiful, beautiful fanart. *sigh*

And, well, you know. Astolat is writing Merlin, so you could pretty much start there and send me a thank you letter when you resurface. You're welcome.

Also, seperis
Privileges of Rank
Truth is a Whisper
Job Orientation and its prequel, The Tale of the Sea Serpent
So Are They All, All Honourable Men
And these two snippets, the second of which inspired a fantastic sequel by shinetheway: Loss, And The Finding.

Greensilver's brains are enviable. In which I get a very useful history lesson (I took notes):
Two For One

Arthur is an ASSHOLE. God love him.
Fruition (or The Education of Arthur), by Spiny.

A Life Worth Less. Hard it is, to the prince be.

Millions of Peaches, dsudis.

August, rageprufrock

The Sword and the Faith. And, oh, they love each other.

Practical Adventures and Auspicious Pursuits

Polishing Buttons. I really like this Merlin.

After 1.10 (The Moment of Truth) What You Carry With You.

Coda to season 1: The Breath Before Our New Beginning

Drastically Redefining Protocol. Which is made of sparkly fluffy orgasms, oh yes, and do NOT miss the somewhat spoilery and also completely awesome trailer zoetrope made. Also do not miss the sextras, yes sextras. They're like porn supplements, in case the fic, or your day, might need a little extra something something.

MERLIN, moonythestrals, Frat!boy AU. And how.

RPS <3 *sparklyhappyfacewithcrinklyeyesandsquee* So, yeah. The RPF, it is good. All Colin/Bradley. (This is not a fandom overview. This is not a fandom overview. If it were I might mention that Colin and Bradley make home videos on the set and they're available as DVD extras and on YouTube and they're completely embarrassment squickily doofus-y and lame and addictive and painfully adorable so adorable oh my fucking GOD.)

RPS of DOOM. When I realized that this whole big RPF fic I was about to read lacked a proper title, I JUDGED. I was fully prepared to be snotty and also to click away. And then I read it and nearly gave myself whiplash replacing said potential snottiness with besotted fangirlitude. Because it's fucking gorgeous and amazing and quietly authentic-feeling and that one scene is so badassedly understated!hot and it's altogether one of my favorite fics around. Wish it had a proper title, though.

"I think Colin has an arse fetish." *gives Bradley a noogie*

Make U Smile. Vid rec. Vid REC OMG. This a happy place vid. Short, sweet, intimate, clever and silly, it's just very kickass.

Genderfuck fuck fuck fuck is such a good word. Also, there is much.

So magical. Ladyparts make genderswitching worth it.

Disguises and Imposters

Misrule. There's a line in here that I say to myself if I want to randomly turn myself on. It works.

A Step to the Left. It's cruel of me to include this, because it's so very close to complete, but juuuuuust NOT. But it's brilliant and if I'm going to be suffering the suffering of the "Wow, I had a dream she posted the last chapter. And then I woke up" sufferer, you should too.

Anyway, I read these stories and a whole bunch of others and think you might like them because I sure liked them. (Even though I hardly ever left the much-deserved feedback, because I was in a horrible can-stocking accident which severely damaged my "say thank you for the hot porn and lovely writing" muscle so it's broken sometimes when I sleep on it funny. I would never lie to you.)

(Spuffy wrote me fic! SCORE.)
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