more RL. Not a cheery story.

Dec 23, 2006 11:59

The guy responsible for the liquor pump came to town last night to spend a week with us. I fed him and his girlfriend a kickass dinner and we sat around drinking insane quantities of highly alcoholic eggnog. It was very noisy and bouncy and happy.

In the wee hours of the morning, when we were all a bit worse for wear, a call came on the guy's cell. His father had died.

I feel pretty helpless when people are grieving anyway. Not much to do but hug and try to help out with last minute damn near impossible travel arrangements. And the poor guy was a wreck and kept on telling us how much he loves us and apologizing over and over for messing up our Christmas.

They left for the airport again at five a.m. They were here maybe eight hours total. The house is very quiet after the mayhem of the night. B and I are kind of just sitting around going "Whoa. That was. Yeah."

Pretty much everyone we know left town for the holidays, and we can't do a last minute trip because of all the pet-sitting I'm doing. It'll be a quiet holiday after all, which I don't really mind.


Before the bad news came, we decorated the tree. Didn't take too long, but it was fun.

ETA, again. Oh, man. Just found out they couldn't get on any flight all day, are still in town, on their way over, still distraught. Poor fucking guy.
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