*ordinary no...really dont think so not a love this true*

Aug 25, 2002 17:32

Just bored...thought I would put this in here*

What’s you name: *Danielle*
What’s you best friends name: Paige, Shawnee, Jill* *best*
What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend's name: *Colby..:)*
What’s your dog/cat/pets name: Dog: Riley* 2 Horses: Tiffy and Fury*
What are your kids names going to be:? Girl: Hannah Brooke… Boy: Brendon or Landon*
Do you like your name: Ah… ever now and then*
What’s name do you wish you had: I like the name Sydney or Brooke*
What is the stupidest name you have ever heard: I won’t say*
Your schools name: Powell Valley
Your crushes name: Colby I Reckon*

Where are you now: Sitting here on the computer*
What state do you live in: Virginia*
What state were you born in: Virginia
Where do you want to live when you get older: uh… never really thought about it but somewhere away from here
Why do you want to live there: Well wherever it is… I’m sure there must be something I like about it*
Where did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: Ah…just sort’a started talking*

-=-DO YoU...-=-
Like cookies: yep
Like cheese: yeah on somethings but not by itself*
Like your bed: yeah*
Like to take pictures: yeah…I love takin pictures
What is the stupidest picture you ever took: it is a long story*
Watch TV: Yeah*
Like movie's: yep!!~
Go to the library: not really
Like to read: some books*
Like cats or dogs better: both are cute!~
Like shiny things: yep...
Like bubble gum: yup
Whats your favorite kind of bubble gum: Cotton Candy*
Do You Like pens or pencils better: pencils cause of erasers… then again I like pens too*
Like to talk: Yes…
Use your hands when you talk: not as much as Jill* hah
Like school: sometimes…
Wish you were somebody else: yeah looked like someone else but not ever act like someone else
*Like Sum41: umm their ok*
Have a webcam: nope…
Like the red, yellow, or green M&M better: green*
Like KaZaA or Napster better*: I like Kazaa*

-=-HaVE YOU EVER...-=-
Fell down a flight of stairs: yeah haha…
Pushed someone down a flight of stairs: well I have acted like I was going too*
Fell on purpose just to make people laugh: nope*
Made prank phone calls: yeah hah… that is always fun* specially when you have a lot of friends with you*
What was the funniest one you made: too many to remember
Choked on a peice of gum: nope*
Spit in someone's face: yeah…but they spit on me first* we were just playing around though...
Threw up on a roller coaster: no but after I got off of one then yeah*
Swung on a vine: Yes…actually have me and Paige used to do it all the time when we were little*
Danced to a song you hate: yes…only cause I was probably bored
Ran into a glass door: haha yeah actually it was a screen but*
Sat on a log: uh,,,yeah
Kissed a frog to see if it would 'transform': gross…never even thought about it*
Watched MTV: yeah all the time*
Laughed at yourself: yeah*
Made a fool of yourself in front of someone important: MANY TIMES*
Laughed so hard you threw up: no haha*
Ate bugs: no way*
Rolled down a hill: yeah when I was little used to all the time specially down my hills*
Used a curling iron: yeah*
Burnt yourself with a curling iron: yeah plenty of times
Fell off a bike: yeah*
Ran into a wooden pole: nope*
Played UNO: yes<3
Wore a thong: yeah with a dress*
Won something: yes*
Tripped over your own two feet:: lord yeah
Used a cell phone: yep =D
Left a message on an answering machine: yes*
Called your own phone number: yeah
Wrote a note: yeah
Made a snowman: yep
Made an igloo: hah…nope can’t say that I have
Shopped at Wal-Mart: yeah*

What’s your favorite song: Michelle Branch: Goodbye…Eve…Gangster Lovin*
What’s you favorite movie: A Walk To Remember…Love and Basketball*
What’s your favorite TV show: 7th Heaven…Lizzie Mqguire and pretty much anything on MTV*
What’s your favorite number: 9 and 14
Who's your favorite person: me...im self centered
Who is your favorite famous person(s): Shane West…Paul Walker*
How many CD's do you own: a whole lot*
If you were stranded on an island name three things you would bring: computer…person…food*
If you were sent to live in Cancun, what one person would you bring with you: yikes…that one is hard*
Who is your favorite cartoon character: sponge bob* of course*

-=-RiGHT NOW-=-
What are you wearing: Abercrombie pants with a Hollister shirt*…
What are you listening to to: right now ima listenin to…Goodbye by Michelle Branch
Are you online: yes!
Do you smell good: yeah*
Look around, what are the first three things you see: computer screen, fireplace, and video camera*
What time is it: like 9 or so*
What are you thinking of: Colby of course…I’m always thinking about him*
What are you doing: writing this…
What do you wish you were doing: anything with Colby*

-=-THe eND-=-

Ordinary no, really dont think so not a love this true, common destiny, we were meant to be *me and you*

COlby...I love you so much babe* I really dont know what I would do without you in my life you are the best thing that has ever happened to me...I'm really glad we worked things out ..im just so in love with you and I would definately do anything for you and you know that too* Well dont forget it*
love you babe*

but im gone*
leave me some sweet ones*
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