sorry...it's been awhile since I last updated..* hehe ive been busy with *school* and *basketball*
*well okay..highschool for one is definately different but I love it anyways...school has went pretty good for the first week although its been tiring* but thank the lord we have been on a heat schedule thursday and friday*
*Friday after school I went to eat at Mcdonalds then I had to get ready for a basketball scrimage...well we played appy..and well beat them and so did Varsity* so it worked out good then after that we were on our way to the football scrimage and it just started pourin down the rain so it got canceled which just left me bein bored all nite long!!*
Got up round 10 cause Paige called me* Then went to the footbal scrimage at 11 well actually got there bout 12 so we watched a total of about 30 minutes of it then we walked to Darcie house* everyone went home then I just slept the rest of tha day* Now im just sittin on here talkin to tiavon and darcie* there isnt really anyone else on* so* ya know* but tomar ill prolly go to the lake with Darcie* :) should be fun maybe this time we wont break down and have to go back home* oh well something to remember* it was so funny right darcie*
but ima go and talk on icq for a lil while*
later guys*
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