Finally, a news network that covers how shitty the news networks have been for the last week. I know i sound like a total prick, but while Virginia Tech is getting some of the biggest news coverage i've ever seen, while a) all the civilians we are killing overseas gets half the attention, and while this crazy south korean gets played up all over the place, the American press makes a 30-second mention of things like this:
"A wave of bombings killed 140 people in Baghdad on Wednesday..."
A HUNDRED AND FORTY PEOPLE DEAD? in ONE DAY? and this is not an isolated incident there! The gunman of Virginia Tech took out 32 people, and himself. This action was atrocious, wrong, mislead, and cowardly. but that is nothing in comparison to what our OWN GOVERNMENT has done to the people of the middle east.
we've all become so desensitized to violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Darfur, and pretty much everywhere else in the world, but then one thing happens to us and the world stops. What made America so damn good?