ITW #6

Dec 14, 2005 14:34

Also in stores today is ITW #6, the free SLG magazine that gives you a bit of insight of the comics we have in the works (get it?) for you. Check with your local comic book retailer to pick up a copy. If they haven't been ordering it, ask them to do so. You don't want to miss out on the articles and previews on which we work so diligently every month. To amaze you in December's issue:

Well, almost. We have an article to commerate the end of Bear, an interview with Jamie, and a "How I Make Comics" drawn and illustrated by Jamie.

Make it through the most wonderful time of the year with SLG's own Eleanor Lawson's recommendations for SLG comics and graphic novels.

Slim, that is. SLG's martini-sipping monkey answers your questions about SLG, pop culture and life in general in Slim's Guide to a Swingin' Lifestyle.

Plus, a full list of upcoming SLG comics and excerpts from reviews.

Remember, you too can be part of ITW! Send your fan-art and letters to ITW, c/o SLG Publishing, P.O. Box 26427, San Jose, CA 95159-6427. Send your questions for Slim to You might have your art or letter published in an upcoming issue of ITW (like Nichole O. from Pennsylvania, whose Lenore fan-art will appear in ITW #7) -- and we'll even send you copies so you can show off to your friends, family and complete strangers. Well, unless you ask a really embarrassing question. Then you might not want to show it to people.


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