[Mikk's face is the only thing in view for a moment, as he's peering down directly into the feed. The screen is mostly dark, save for a golden blur in the background that looks like a campfire. A loud pop! from the fire pit is indicative enough of it.]
[And then the feed pans around to reveal...]
[Is that Madara's house?]
[In the background, there's a quiet snicker - Uchiha Sasuke? Laughing? That might be! - followed by the clink of glass bottles. Mikk laughs as well.]
Happy Holloween~!
[More laughter, more clinking bottles, more popping fire. It seems like the two of them had a grand old time.]
[[Backdated to 10/31. Sasuke and Mikk will reply in separate threads due to time zones and... general convenience. The glass bottles are actually
Sarsaparilla bottles (root beer) but feel free to mistaken it for alcohol.]]