
Mar 06, 2013 22:06

It's been a weird writing week.  My writers' group is doing Short Story in a Week, which we do in March and September of every year.  Every full week during the month, the moderator sends out two lists of five words each.  The goal is to write a complete short story in a week, using all five words on one list.  It's a huge amount of fun, and it's about the only time I ever finish a short story.  I did three in a week, once.  I only managed two in all of September last year, but I'm hoping to get in one a week this time around.

Anyway.  So I wrote 7800 words for a urban fantasy short story, and now I'm spending the rest of the week until the new word list comes out on Friday working on my medieval fantasy.  I had trouble getting into modern mode for the short story, and now I'm having trouble getting out of it.  Nope, can't have the character say "okay."  Or "nope," for that matter.  I'm getting there, but it's been slow going.  I've only done 1900 words in the last three days.

To make it even worse, I've apparently developed an issue with 50,000 words.  It's become the anti-magic number in my brain, and I'm having trouble shaking it.  No really, we can actually finish something.  We can write more than half of a novel.  I'm combatting this by making myself write at least 250 words every day (now and before SSIAW started).  So far, so good.  It's going to take a hell of a long time to finish this at one page per day, but it will get finished.  The total word count as of right now is 56,670.  Forward momentum!

ssiaw, meta-writing, report card, writing

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