so today i was bored, and my mom and dad ended up fixing up the basement and everything, so it was uber-cool to know i could decorate "my area" of the basement, where my computer, tv, couches, matress, etc. is. and i was very excited when shirt and shellbey said they'd come help me. of course i invite the two punks over? haha. shirt brought some spray paint, and i already had some here, shellbey brought duct tape. and we took my basement to fucking town! my ma thinks we're creative, but my dad thinks we're all idiots. haha. oh well, i love it.
afterwards we all hung out and watched tv. then shellbey left for some family shit. then my ma said she'd take shirt and i to find dinner, so we just went and got pizza. then we drove shirt home. i had to go to some friend of the family's house with my 'rents. it was boring. but whatever. now i'm sitting here. james called me earlier saying he had to go to some family thing, but he'd call me when he got back to his dads. so i'm going to go crawl on to my matress and listen to the horrorpops, then watch Party Monster on my new tv, since manson is such a sexy drag queen. while i wait for jameseyface to call. tomorrow i'm going out with shellbey in the afternoon to return and purchase some new things. then i have to work, but after, i'm going to shellbeys again since my 'rents and her 'rents are getting together for some dinner thing. monday, wednesday, friday and sunday i work drive-through, so walk or drive on through and visit me..... i can't wait till james' home.