Hollywood is full of self-important douchebags

Mar 03, 2006 19:13

State's Evidence #1 - Discussing Jon Stewart's controversial Academy Awards hosting gig:

Oscar pundit Tom O'Neil calls him "hopelessly miscast," saying Stewart's anti-establishment sensibility was likely to backfire the way comedians Chris Rock and David Letterman were widely perceived as having flopped during their turns as host.

"You don't mock the importance of the event. This isn't the MTV Music Video Awards," O'Neil said. "We expect the Oscar host to be like a beloved aunt or uncle on stage playing the ringmaster to a family reunion."

It's worth mentioning that "Oscar Pundit" is the twee-est "job" title ever. This guys sounds like a prig of the highest order, and the Oscars broadcast he holds as an ideal would be the most boring 4-hour wank-fest in history.

State's Evidence #2 - Brett Ratner in Entertainment Weekly on the widely-reviled decision to allow him to direct X3:
"I'm a good guy", says Ratner. My grandparents live with me. People are talking shit because I'm successful, I guess.

The shit-talking can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that your film oeuvre is made up of approximately 40% Chris Tucker vehicles and 100% unwatchable garbage, can it? Well played, by the way, on the "y'alls just jellus" defense. It's the most brilliant citation I've seen since the glory days of the Jerry Springer Show. *insert sarcastic slo-clap*

Anyone who would send out a holiday party invitation with himself dressed as Wolverine clearly has to be an asshole.

Seriously, have you ever seen a group of people less enthused to appear in a photograph??

State's Evidence #3 - Joe Rogan gets in a flame war with a college kid on myspace.

Joe exhibits considerable chutzpah for someone who became a "multi-millionaire" for hosting a show in which buff people recruited at SoCal gyms eat pig rectums for cash. I used to have residual goodwill for Joe based on his appearance on the beloved NewsRadio, but feeling the need to defend your honor from some harmless kid on the internet pretty much seals that you're an asshole.

This has been a great week for celebrity schadenfreude, what with the Rock/Stapp Sex Tape Feud, Hermione getting loaded at Chi-Chi's, Lindsey showing off her class, and the definitive proof of what Nick Lachey looks for in a woman. Keep it coming, dumbasses, for your stupidity makes my life a little easier to bear.
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