
Sep 09, 2013 16:39

my weight is creeping back up but its my own doing. i made myself twinkie with melted butter and cookie dough ice cream on top yesterday. yeah--- thats fatty as fuck and im not proud of it.
everyone had been telling me ive lost weight and took that as "well i look good, i can eat bullshit"
ive been drinking more and smoking more-- which increases cravings for junk.
i know what to do: sprints, heavier weight lifting, eating clean, staying hydrated.

it just seems like so much work! I have to change my whole lifestyle? I eat every daay. now i have to be aware of calories and nutritive density. why cant i be like steve who works out all day and smokes weed and eats junk? because he has time to do all that and hes never not been on a bench press. pretty sure his genetics are altered.
i have an unusual schedule too. work is everything happening or nothing. school is school.

Alexis says just do it or go to the gym. i need a reason and i hate going to the gym.

i guess i just suck at self motivating. i just want to be different without effort! Impossible.

i just dont like the turkey wings happening at the top of my arms. fuck that business.

im gonna start small-- just drink water on weekdays, try to go for a walk every day

something good is bound to happen


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