Feb 03, 2012 01:53

I got it! I did it! I studied more for the nclex than any test I've ever taken (bc I usually bs and do well). I'm so relieved that I made it ad so relieved that I finished something major. I need to stop calling myself boring for paying bills, being faithful, and not participating in self destruction.
I handle my business.
I wrote three lists: what I want to buy, what I want to do, and what I want to start/finish.
I bought a plant for my house. The day before the exam i distracted myself with errands.
Something about being in my mothers house just makes me feel better. It's warm and inviting and she has fresh country air... But lots of plants in her home make the air crisper. First a few plants then a garden :)
I cook so it's a natural progression. Herb garden! Tea!
I'm gonna be soooo sleepy tomorrow. I skipped work today to save my brain from melting and no one called. I don't think they care too much right now.
I know I passed but it will be different to see it and have a license number. Hopefully it has a pattern 135383. Or 177771. Prolly not any rhyme or reason to it but that'd be nice.

I hate when she doubts me even for small things or when she thinks I would betray her. Annoying. No ones perfect.

I'm an RN. That's bananas :) it's only the first step.

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