why i hate everyone in a fraternity

Jan 19, 2009 10:22

friday night i had a group assignment due for my HR management class at midnight. the assignment was pretty simple and my group talked about it on thursday when we had class. i explained what part i wanted to do and told them to look over it and see who else wanted to do what and facebook message me or email me to let me know. mind you, these guys didn't even really know we had an assignment due. i was the one who emailed the professor to clarify what exactly it was we had to do and when we had to turn it in by since it was a makeup assignment. i didn't get anything from anyone on thursday, so by friday i decided to just go ahead and do my stuff (which was the majority of the assignment anyway) and  send it to them. i left 3 parts to do of pretty much equal weight and messaged my group saying each person should do one. i said that if i had no response from them by 9pm that i was going to have to just finish it myself but that i REALLY preferred not to have to. i gave them until 9:30 and still nothing. so it took me almost another hour to finish the rest (including editing and re-editing everything).

so everytime i've signed onto facebook or my email all weekend i've been expecting some sort of apology message from at least one of them explaining what happened and why they totally ignored this assignment. but by now it's been almost 3 days and nothing. nothing at all from even one of the 3 of them. i've actually dreaded checking my shit because i know that one way or another i'll be upset. when i see no new messages, i'm upset, but if i got a pathetic message with some terrible excuse i would probably be even more pissed. the worst part is that they're all frat boys and i swear to god i'm expecting them to come up with some retarded shit like "oh sorry i was at a woodser this weekend" or "my bad but there was this mixer/formal i had to attend to". i've worked with frat douchebags before in groups and dealt with those same LAME ASS EXCUSES. "i can't meet tonight because i have to go to chapter." you know what? FUCK CHAPTER. we have an assignment due and i don't give a fuck which one of your bros is going to get mad at you for missing out on your stupid cocksucking cult event/meeting. i'm going to tell them tomorrow in class that they better not expect me to anything for at least the next 2 assignments but that i want their work emailed to me by a certain time before we have to send it out so i can revise and edit their work. and if they don't comply with that request, i'm simply going to have to tell my professor because i refuse to do bad in this class because my team members are douche bags. i don't care if i have to do all the work by myself the entire semester, but i don't want those bastards taking credit for it.
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