Great fun tonite!! ^_^

Oct 31, 2004 01:14

Well hello there! Ok first off, I actually didn't go to bed early like I said I would, but it's ok, I was able to sleep in a little. Ok, now about my day/nite.

The day was pretty boring, I had to help clean the house with me mom. Then afterwards, around I think 4 or 5pm, I got a call from both Meli and Tamma saying that they BOTH wont be able to come to the party with me! That made me mad, but both had good excuses(Meli was out with Nick, and now are an "item", and Tamma had to spend time with family(I think)). I wasn't really mad for long because I knew that meant more time with Will. ^_^

Anywho, I went to the Heritage Brass Band performance before the party, and it was great. I first I thought it was about a high school band(there's one named Heritage), and turned out it was in rememberance to World War II. It was still good. Will with John(his friend) were there when I got there, and I met his other friends after the show, Janet and Jessica(a.k.a. Bubbles). When the show was over Will had to pick up a few other friends before we headed to the party, which was kool, but since I really didn't want to follow him all over just to pick up some ppl and waste gas money, I decided to just go back home and meet up with them at the Walmart by Hwy 80. So I did, but when I got home I decided I didn't want to wear my Renissance(sp?) dress, so I ended up wearing my security shirt that I got from the Thrift store and be a Security Guard(with gun and everything(the gun was a fake BB gun)). I have to say I looked pretty damn good. ^_^ Anywho, when I met up with them, I followed them to Amber's house(I found out it was her house when I got there)(She was in flags with me like 3 years back and I had been to her house for Flag annitiation(sp?)). Well the party was really fun, not really lively, lively, but fun non the less. I was still really happy that Will was there(and yes anytime I talk about Will, I will be gushing, if you would like me to stop, well that's just tough, cause I'm not) ^_^ Unfortunatly we had to leave a little early, which sucked cause I wanted to stay longer, I mean I could've but besides Amber I didn't know really anybody, so yeah.

So now I'm home and about to go to bed, and what's also kool about tonite is that it's Day Light Savings, so I was able to gain an extra partying hour, but now I have to set all my clocks back, but I don't care. Hopefully tomorrow doesn't have any problems being Halloween and all, and that every one has a good day and nite. I've been invited to Angelica's tomorow nite too, so I'm hoping to have fun there as well. But for now, I'm going nite nite. Bye!
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