*Bounces up and down in chair, because I'm too lazy to get up and bounce ^_^*

Oct 29, 2004 22:45

Ok, first off, I hope things went well today Tamma, but I'm sure I'll read it in you journal. Don't forget, if ya ever need to talk, u know where I'll be.

Now, for my day, it was great!! ^_^ The only bad part, was that I had to go to class and I made Tamma late for her appointment(but that's later on in the story). Anywho, I went to my only class today, and the teacher for my math class wasn't going to be here today, so I didn't have to go to that class at all(YAY!). After I got done with the class, I went down to the Pit, where ppl just chill before, in-between, or after classes, and took apart of the Halloween festivities that were going on. I had brought my costume to change into when I was done with my classes, so I could be in the Halloween Costume Contest, which was fun I might add. I didn't win, but it was ok, I didn't think I was going to win anyways, but one of the ppl who did win had a totally wicked outfit. She dressed up as the Predator from the movie Predator, and the only thing that she didn't make herself was the helmet thing and the arm cuffs, everything else she made herself. It was so kool.

Once the contest was over I couldn't leave I had to go and pick up Tamma and Meli so we could go with Tamma to the doctors. Well after I picked up Meli, I found out that I needed to put oil in my car(Plus I'm a girl, I hardly check my car, even though I know I should), so that put us a little more late. I told Tamma that if they ask up at the doctors y she was late, to tell them it was all my fault, since it was. Like Meli, I didn't want to ask Tamma how it went for her, because I know how weird it is to talk about it, so I felt that she will tell us both if or when she is ready, and if she doesnt' want to tell us, then that's fine too. I'm just glad that I could be there to help her out. Then we went to Soupe or Salad, which was pretty good since it was my first time to eat there, then went to Barnes and Nobles to read some manga. I'm so mad that I don't have any money, because I wanted to get some mangas sooo bad >.< but I guess I'll just have to wait till Christmas.

Anywho, that's been my day, and now I can't wait till tomorow(that's y I'm so bouncy), because I have to go usher a band concert thing up at school, and then I'll be going to a Halloween party(I get to dress up in me costume). And at both of these things, Will, will be there ^_^ He is the one who invited me to the party! And he is letting me bring both Tamma and Meli, so I'm excited about that too! Anywho, I'm getting sleepy, which is weird seeing it's only 11pm :-P But I'll be on tomorow to tell you how everything went. Nite nite.
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