More down than up

May 25, 2010 23:18

This particular rollercoster is proving very bumpy.

Having been a lot better yesterday, Small colicked again this morning. He was tubed this morning, and managed to take a chunk out of his bottom lip in the process. Once again he's spent a day on very little food - being walked out for 10 minutes grass as often as possible, but no other feed, and was being tubed again this evening (I decided not to stay and watch.. all a bit too much for me today).

I would have handled all this a lot better if I'd had a call from the vets during the day to let me know he was having a rough time, not left to find out for myself when I got there. Not impressed. I know they're all very busy and rushed, but that's really no excuse.

We're just going to wait and see what tomorrow brings. When I eventually did get to speak to the relevant vet I wasn't entirely reassured by his responses, and I'm starting to really worry that the surgery hasn't resolved things and we still have a problem to deal with.

Strangely, seeing the cut in his lip was the trigger for a lot of the tears I've been unable to cry since all this kicked off. I wish I could say they'd made me feel better.
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