Ups and downs

May 23, 2010 22:39

Bit of a mixed weekend.

Yesterday, Small was very perky - I took him for a walk and a bit of grass and he was snorting and jogging and being very silly. And we had the results of the biopsies, which suggest there is nothing wrong with his intestines, which is a huge relief.

This morning he didn't seem quite himself, but was still perky - I put it down to it being so hot today. But when we went back to visit late this afternoon, he really wasn't right, and went down to roll within a minute of us arriving. Getting up, going down, pawing, rolling... all the signs of a uncomfortable and colicky pony.

He's had some buscopan and bute, an examination couldn't find anything wrong, and he was obviously more comfortable after the drugs, but he just looked so tired and sad.

I knew there were going to be blips on the journey, and I'm sure he will be fine tomorrow, but I just feel so deflated right now.
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