So, I haven't had a post about my life in a while. I blame this on beginning to take college classes - or, to be cynical, "starting" "college." In any case, I think I should change this.
I had a very good Valentine's Day! It was lovely not being single for once on that day. Particularly after the ragged mess that was my last January/February - I've said it before, but it still doesn't feel like it's just been a year since then. I'm in a much much better place now...
Anyway, I mostly sat around and missed my girlfriend and occasionally talked to her on Skype, but I also gave her Amy/Rory fic, which I believe was one of my best bets short of going out and procuring a dog. And figuring out how to get said canine to Connecticut. (That was about as realistic as the magical flying panda...) Hope all the rest of you had a good day then, to. And to all the awesome single people reading this, keep on being awesome! (And happy belated Anna Howard Shaw Day!
Other miscellaneous things:
-I've found two old stories of mine that I wrote in sophomore and junior year. Both are complete, and they deal with rather different themes than most of my writing now - suicide and transgendered youth - but in relatively mature ways, I think. (Then again, I also found five lines of Peter Pan slash fic in the same notebook. Way to go, past me.) Don't think I've shown them to any of my f-list; one hasn't been read by anyone besides me, as far as I know, and the other wasn't circulated widely, due to the nature. I rather like them, and may consider posting them later.
-My ex and I spent a full three weeks making plans and then having to cancel them - once because of snow, once due to his family having plans, and generally a lot of times didn't work out because he's so busy. It's a sort of fitting, I think, for the times in the end of our relationship, when I couldn't see him all the time because of IB and stress. If I were crueler, I'd enjoy the poetic justice. (According to N, some people still don't quite grasp why we broke up; that was a very big part of it.)
-Remember a month ago when I was talking about how awesome fandom auctions were? Well, between bids on my offers and bids I placed, I raised more than a hundred bucks to help rebuild Queensland and Brazil. Whoops? I'm fairly sure that between that money, various holiday gifts, and paying for classes this semester (without any financial aid like a boss), I don't get any discretionary spending until April. Ah well, I think it was worth it, both in the sense that I get pretty wallpaper and fic covers and monthly postcards for a while and in the sense that flood relief is a very good cause.
-On a related note: I am currently putting together a Ten II/Rose fanmix, for one of my lovely auction winners. Specifically, I'm exploring the way their relationship develops from Dalig Ulv Strassen onwards, as they grow closer again. In my mind, they start off tense, both battle-scarred and unsure of how to relate to each other in the alternate universe, but as time goes by they fall into a comfortable pattern; not the same as Ten/Rose, but a good pattern nonetheless. I already have plenty of songs I'm considering, but if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!
-I auditioned for The Tempest earlier tonight! It went pretty well, I think. In one the two sides/cold scenes I read, I ended up reading for a character named Sebastian, conversing on a beach with a woman playing Antonio. That brought back good memories of being in Twelfth Night, in which I played a character named Sebastian, who washed up on a beach with a woman named Antonia, who was Antonio in the original script. *cough*
-This post has nine tags.
-I ran most of the way home from auditions, where it was safe to and when I wasn't stopped by red lights. It was a great feeling, and reinforced the fact that I need to exercise a lot more. Also, it reinforced my gratefulness that I do not live in New England, because then there'd be loads of snow still, and I'd have slipped and fallen at least three times on the way back.
-A moment of zen, or something:
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Cheers, all! :)