
May 27, 2014 01:04

Well, May 25th 2014 was finally here. After 4 long years of waiting, finally. Well, these 4 years were passed by pretty quick, kind of surreal now. But graduation is always a bit bittersweet because some people you may never ever see again....others it's like whatever, it's okay if I don't see them again. Just seems like everyone is kind of just dispersing in all directions. Anyway, here's a handful of pictures of graduation. I probably won't post these on FB, just cuz I'm lazy, and I don't want to be like those people who always feels the need to post up every single minute of their life. Which reminds me...I never really uploaded any photos from our white coat ceremony, oh wells.

Lining up...

The guy I first met in Boston University during interviews 4 years ago...has same name as I.

My clinic doctors.

I think I'd miss her the most. Just felt like we bonded a lot over the 4 years, went on a mission trip together, worked on each others teeth...etc.

different colors b/c she's in hygiene.

By the end when the sun was pretty much setting, the photos started to get really shitty, and blurry. Doesn't do the DSLR justice..the last photo has to be the crappiest of the bunch, so blurry. Stupid kit lens doesn't let enough light in to take quick and sharp photos. So...because of that I bought a 35mm f/1.4 lens today, should be A LOT better at taking quality photos. I really want a full frame DSLR. My choice would be the Sony a99, but man, that thing costs 2k.
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