This is a post from a free woman: I just finished my last ever assignment for my undergraduate degree in Creative Writing. Handed it all in on time and everything like a fucking BOSS.
Now I can:
- start reading and writing fanfiction again without guilt
- write those help_japan fics/make the fanmixes I've been requested
- make my cosplays for expo*
- go out
- watch stuff
- reupload all my gifs on a less faily service than imageshack (they've disabled gifs! THE HORROR!)
- start LJing regularly again
*Speaking of Expo cosplays, MY DEAN THINGS GOT HERE~ I got a khaki green shirt and a leather jacket last week on eBay, and they both arrived today. THEY ARE MOTHERFREAKIN' PERFECT. My girl!Dean is going to look amaaaaazing :'D Will wear the cosplay later and post a test picture. I'm still missing the anti-possession tattoo and Cas's handprint, but I have a few weeks to make those :)
I also received most of my France things yesterday; now all I'm missing is red fishnet stockings and fabric for the skirt. :D
Haruki's headphones and yellow spray to make them yellow came in the mail today too. Now I need to actually make the school jacket DX
Ahhhh, freedom, you guys. It tastes weird.
I'd also like to welcome the awesome
rhymeswithway and the fantastic
pinkwithoutplot to the crazy that is my journal :) My intro post is
here (though it might need some updating now... I'll get to that soon BECAUSE I ACTUALLY CAN, lol ^___^)
Now I need to go get ready and meet Athena to go shopping for groceries, and download Stonehenge Apocalypse because that's what we're watching in celebration of having finished, haha :D