what if I change the world? what if I lead the way?

Dec 04, 2008 04:47

MEMETIMEZ. :D I was tagged by Len mienai_hoshi :
The rules are that for 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day. Tag 8 people to do the same.
I tag: bushy_haired , dollypie , mnemo_syne , hikaridonya , nullflow , blaithacs , arakas , arwenelfmaiden . Would love to see your responses, gaiz. :)

DAY 01. I had a choir concert today and it was fun. I actually enjoyed singing "I Got Rhythm". And Alice, Amy and Nadia were there :) And then we did a number from the musical and it came out okay. Performances next week, EEEEK?! ^_^
Also, I'm reading Mo Hayder's Birdman and it's really good so far. I'm trying her out to see if she's actually one of my favourite writers or if I just liked Tokyo insanely much. Turns out, she is indeed pretty amazing at characterisation. And her narration is really smooth and interesting.

Oh. The new and unoriginally self-titled Simple Plan album is AWESOME and I'm in love with this song. Playing it on repeat right now. Am totally making a Code Geass AMV to it like sooooon. I have a few similar ideas that need to be carried out as well.

And I found the Arashi discography, FINALLY! ^_^ Which means I can start fangirling about old and new music. Yayness!!
Ok, so yes, I had no idea Simple Plan had a new album out. Like, NO FREAKIN' IDEA. Downloaded it yesterday because I was looking for songs to cover with Alice (we're sort of starting a vocal cover duet thing, we're hoping to form a band with everyone eventually but all of us need to learn how to play instruments so we're just practising now, lol) and I was looking through Simple Plan lyrics and noticed a new album on the list... I was like O_____o? It sounds so awesome though. And a couple of the songs are PURE LOVE <3 So I'm happy about that.

Yesterday at karaoke I sang my heart out :D It was Alice's birthday present to me, since she won't be able to meet me at all next week... I daresay we all had a super-duper-extra-good time ^.^ Amy and I sang Hey!Say!JUMP and NewS, and You Got Gay Game (PoT 1st ED) and Future (PoT 1st OP), bouncing around like crazy ^___^ And sono te ooooooo hanasanaideeeeeee (KAT-TUN, Lips) was by far the most dramatic pose ever XDDD Nadia sang the Konga and Barbie Girl... and Shakira's Don't Bother. So nostalgic!! And speaking of nostalgicness, Alice inputed Iron Maiden's Run To The Hills, which we used to sing with our rock band two years ago... Good times, good times. *nods*

So yeah, that was super fun :D Then we went for Japanese food, and Nadia tried sushi for the first time ever ^.^ She loved it, yay :D I tried a bit of Alice's curry (I'd never had any before) and I liked it, so yay there as well. We got home and watched Scrap Teacher *_____* We got Nadia hooked on HSJ and Arioka Daiki. Now each of the three of us has a fave: me - Chinen, Amy - Yamada, Nadia - Daiki. We watch Scrap Teacher and split Nakajima's cuteness in three, to share. Because who doesn't like Nakajima? :P
We also rewatched the Lovely Complex movie so Nadia could see it as well. She likes Teppei a lot after seeing him in Dragonzakura, to which I do not object except I'm kind of more of an Eiji Wentz girl now, it must be the Awakening Emotion song etc that made me switch sides... I still like Teppei though, he's SO CUTE =3

RYUSEI NO KIZUNA EP 7 WITH SUBS AT LAST OMG. We're so watching it tomorrow before I go to rehearsal. I WANT NINO GOODNESS.

Oh and my Introduction to Writing Fiction lecturer is lame ¬_¬ Our writing task for this week was to reflect on an excerpt from an early 20th century novel which was mostly dialogue. No story this week. Does he honestly expect 2000 words worth of comments? I'm not doing this. If he wants to throw me out of class on Friday, he can. If he dares to email me about it I'll reply right back with "I scribbled a couple lines in my notebook and I believe it's sufficient." We don't do essays in this class. So there. ¬______¬ I don't care :P

I should probably go to sleep, it's nearing 7am. O_______O
My, today was simple yet fun. ^.^ The little pleasures in friends and fandom made this day very pleasant. Yay for low negativity scores. ^_^

wat, books, eiji wentz, friends, jdrama, nadia, university, meme, rock band, amv, exodos, birthday, hey! say! jump, mo hayder, karaoke, scrap teacher, johnny's, arashi, alice, koikke teppei, obsessmuch, ninomiya kazunari, music, amy t. (the bff), ryusei no kizuna

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