all my dreams hooked to hospital machines

Nov 17, 2008 01:10

so i was rereading softlyforgotten's beautiful and in between the moon and you the angels get a better view and got caught on this:

...wonders if music is something so desperately alive that some kind of ghost escapes from every new song ever made...

and because it is late and i am odd i got to thinking on that. first, because it is a beautiful line but second, and more, because there's a strange logic to it. since i was young, music was always the one stable, unfailing thing in my life, that was always there. i can hear songs and recall exact moments they represent in my life, down to the time of day, the weather, the temperature of the room, the road i was driving on, etc. and i think that something with such a powerful impact on a person has to have some kind of real presence, some physical [or metaphysical, as the case may be] incarnation to validate it.

and then i did more of this thinking thing, and got to wondering: what would these ghosts look like? i mean, would the spirit of a particular song look the same to everyone, or would its appearance change based on the person to whom it appeared? do you only feel the presence of the songs which really mean something to you, or is every song ever created just wandering the earth, looking for someone to touch? do they communicate, with us or with one another? what would that sound like?

i dunno, i think i just rambled myself into a sleepless night. or better yet, a dream where Patrick Stump is the physical incarnation of a Chopin concerto. yes?

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