This is a link to a BBC iPlayer episode of Toby Foster's Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Sheffield. At 1:57:20 he interviews Doncaster's new Mayor,
Peter Davies, representing the English Democrats.
And no, I didn't vote, but then I'm not sure where I'm registered any more and I got distracted by finals/project/stress.
In short, he was so utterly unprepared for the interview that a local radio DJ asking fairly routine questions about how he'll put his policies into effect made him storm out. Apparently his slot on Look North didn't go too well either. It sounds like he wrote down his policies on the back of a fag packet after a few bevvies and didn't bother to check if any of them were actually legal. Like stopping translation services, or reducing the number of councillors. Oh, and he'll reduce the number of "PC jobs" in the council. What PC jobs? Oh wait, he hasn't bothered to find out which ones or bothered to think about the impact of removing them.
One the one hand, for the first time in living memory Doncaster's been that disillusioned with Labour that they lost out to not just one but TWO independent candidates. However both independents sound like complete fuckwits who would do an even worse job than the previous incumbent,
Martin Winter, a man famous for overseeing failing social services that resulted in the deaths of seven children ("Haringey of the North"), being regularly ridiculed in Private Eye, being expelled from the Labour party and repeatedly ignoring no confidence votes aimed at ousting him from office. Woohoo!