"jack up"

Dec 09, 2005 19:24

I still don't understand why they like scheduling lectures after exams. As zelda_zero said, they could at least give us some time to empty our brains of everything we crammed in there for the exam. :P
Oh yeah, the lecturer for the reproductive section had a horribly sedating voice (or was it just because we were all dead tired?). Lesson for all you teachers out there, if you're giving a Powerpoint presentation to a bunch of students who have just taken an exam, don't use a template that has animation on it. I spent the entire two hours staring at that little ball that moved with each slide transition.
I was also amused by the fact that he kept using the phrase jack up. "Blah blah blah and this jacks up the blah and then this gets jacked up." Oh-so-professional. :D Makes me feel better about how unprofessional I can sound at times. :)

Five Weird Habits of Yourself Meme

Ground rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself" and the people who gets tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. In the end, you need to list the next five people who you want to tag, and then go on to leave a tag comment on their LJ.

1. I have 3 alarms waking me up in the morning (up from 2 during college/high school years -__-). I still oversleep by 10-15 minute sometimes.
2. When I skim magazines, I usually do it backwards - I thought this was because I was used to Asian magazines at first, but when I look at Asian magazines, I skim from back to front as well.
3. I type as I think - that is, if I think there is a place where I would pause when I say the sentence out loud, I put a comma there. That's why I have so many freakin' commas everywhere.
4. In high school, I used to freeze a bottle of water and brought it to school everyday, even during the winter. I still use a water bottle, but no longer have it frozen.
5. Lately, I've been taking 3 hour naps. I actually plan for 1 hour, but some days, I cannot get my body to move at all.

Errr, I am going to tag people this time: fugusabaku, fruitypoundcake, ndless_mike, zelda_zero, bonzaineko, and anyone who wants to do it.

The year in review meme:
Post the first sentence from the first post in your blog from every month of 2005.

Public posts only ;)
Jan - Have a safe and happy 2005 everybody!!!
Feb - This post is all *pnish*, so go ahead and skip, all ye who be tired of me fangirling.
Mar - Was it someone else?
Apr - Yeah, so who didn't even realize it was April fool's day yesterday?
May - Edit: forgot to ask.
Jun - Leaving tomorrow, and I'm still not completely packed.
Jul - Whooo!!!!!!
Aug - I slept at 11pm last night and woke up at 3:30pm this afternoon. go me!
Sep - More pics -
Oct - Went to a harvest festival yesterday and did contra-dancing......
Nov - Yesterday was my last day in peds until January.
Dec - Angela - Looks like a lot of fun.

Four are *pnish* or Tenimyu-actor related. :3
Several of them are very representative of my state of mind and lack of sleep/memory.

I need to go to the bathroom, and the roommate's been in there for over an hour. >___<

Went to an orchestra performance tonight with a couple of classmates. I realize that I am not an opera fan. I am good with musicals. I like concerts. I can appreciate ballet, but opera? No.

Oh yay!! CDJapan shipped my order as soon as Glorious came out! I like that company more and more!!!

real life

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