Jun 09, 2007 22:30
before i go into my latest rant.. i'd like to take a minute to wish djdevo (dennis) a happy birthday on this, his special day. we are richer for having you in our lives lil brother.
okay.. now that sentiment is done.. i have a bone to pick with film critics in general who are bashing producers of "threequals" such as "spider-man 3", "shrek 3" or "pirates of the carribean 3" calling them meaningless extentions of the franchise or just generally bashing sequals in general.
i say that ebert and roeper can just go home and sit on thier thumbs.
let me also say that i like a good new and innovative movie as much as the next man. yesterday.. i had the distinct pleasure to watch (and now own, thanks gerard) Pan's Labirynth.
i thought it was everything a serious well thought out literary fantasy should be.. engaging.. thought provoking and definatly worth the accolades and awards that it's won.
did i have FUN watching it.. no. did i enjoy watching it?? yes.
these two ARE mutually exclusive.. one can enjoy something without it being conventional fun. example.. dinner with family or a lover can be enjoyable whereas dinner with friends or a sing along or campfire is FUN.
there's singing and laughing and just generally having a good time and putting ones cares on hold and leaving the world to it's own devices while you have a good time for a while and be a kid again.
and that's my major issue... you hear these critics running down spider-man 3 for being too cramped of the unfeasibility of pirates 3 for the parachute scene and that "it didn't have the charachter depth" or "there was no real story.. it just looked like one long video game/action scene"
well.. not to be contrary.. but isn't that the fucking point?
movies like pan's labirynth is dinner.. a tasty morsel one has that one remembers and feels full after.. and thinks of while one is picking ones teeth.. "threequals" are dessert.. full of sugar.. things that are bad for you.. and sinfully delicious treats you'll probably enjoy for what it is.
it's ice cream, popcorn.. movies that are there to be enjoyed.. nothing more. i don't go and see "spider-man 3" to explore peter's feelings for mary jane.. nor do i really care that sandman's dad didn't love him or that they didn't focus on eddie brock's personal life of tradgedy and self involvement prior to his bugle years. I DON'T CARE.
i sat down to see spidey wrestle with the black suit, the black suit become venom and the resultant battle that comes after. and i got it.. in spades. i got what i came for and expected. no more.. no less. i was able to suspend my disbelief while the black pearl sailed off the end of the earth.. i can swallow the "monkey out of a cannon" and the parachute thing in pirates.. cause i had a good time.. and that's all i came to the movies for.
(shrek 3 kinda disappointed me until we went with tammy and the ogre babies showed up and a small kid in the audience said "awwwwwww".. then i realized that i, like others, were thinking this film was intended for me.. realized my mistake, shut up and enjoyed the rest of the movie.)
transformers and fantastic four 2 is coming out.. and i'm going to be there.. am i going for the plot depth??? no.. am i going expecting to see an oscar contender??? no.. am i going to have a good time because i get to see people with powers blowing things up and giant robots turning into cars??? hell yes... and am i going to have fun and escape the world for a while?? agan. hell yes.
and that's what going to the movies should be about. that's what i spend my 10.00 on. and i consider it money well spent.
(as an aside.. actors like Tobey Macguire who "feel that doing more of the franchise doesn't allow him to stretch his acting ability" should just be damn lucky these movies have made him a household name enough that he can DO artsy flicks like "seabiscuit", cash his cheques and shut the fuck up.. remember that you got into this business to entertain and that's exactly what you're doing.. deflate your ego and do the ride the fucking train for as long as it lasts. take a lesson from dainel radcliffe and emma watson.)
there.. i'm done. now.. provided i can get thru this last scentence without wanting to punch my computer again...