[037] - action

Jan 04, 2010 13:32

[Buffy had never before noticed the terrifying effect of blood on snow. Especially when it was her own. In California, blood had a habit of sinking black into the dark, uncovered ground. But as she walks slowly back into the village, she winces to look over her shoulder and see the sporadic trail of bright, bleeding red behind her. There's a bad ( Read more... )

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Comments 224

gomugomunopwn January 3 2010, 19:23:17 UTC
[Hey, there's a Luffy walking by holding a lot of food and steadily eating it. That is until he see's a wounded Buffy, and turns to look at her with a mouth full food.]


[Oh boy, she doesn't look to be in good shape at all]


slaying January 3 2010, 19:35:23 UTC
[Not a good shape at all. In fact, just about the same moment where she notices the guy stuffing his face, she slips and falls hard. Groaning, the Slayer drags herself back up. She's got a rather determined air about her.]


gomugomunopwn January 3 2010, 20:08:36 UTC
[OHSHI-- He quickly eats the rest of the food and rushes over to her]

Oi, are you okay? What happened?


slaying January 3 2010, 20:10:16 UTC
My guess? [She groans, interrupting her answer.] The Malnosso lost their return to sender stamp.


lt_linguist January 3 2010, 20:01:59 UTC
[Uhura is carrying a bag of items back to the house from the shops in town - some random electronic parts, as well as various other items she thinks might be useful in some way or another. Just doing her job, trying to pass the time, the usual.

Until she spots someone familiar, clearly in pain.]

Oh my God. Buffy.

[In an instant, she'll have a strong but firm grip on you, Buff. She has to stop herself in the act of reaching for a nonexistent communicator - still getting used to the lack of technology here.]

Where are you injured?


slaying January 3 2010, 20:09:17 UTC

[The name comes rather forcedly, like Buffy has to expend effort in order to find the pronunciation; however, the firm grip helps and she makes good use of it. Oh. Something didn't feel right at all.]

Does my everywhere count as an okay answer?


lt_linguist January 3 2010, 20:54:02 UTC
Well, I don't think it's in line with standard protocol, though it gets the message across.

[Feeble attempt at a joke, there. Uhura's face is lined with concern and concentration as she steers Buffy in the direction of the porch.]

You should've gone right to the clinic, you know.


slaying January 3 2010, 20:58:39 UTC
I don't do clinics. I'm a no-hospitals kind of girl. [This is help that she takes so willingly, having gained a certain trust in Uhura through her association with Jim and what she has seen of the woman around the house.] Bones'll be around if it gets too serious. [Which it clearly already has.]


james_morph January 3 2010, 20:25:46 UTC
[What's even worse then the sight of blood on snow, is smelling it. And James is most certainly smelling it, and is loping along towards Buffy through the snow]

Oi! Stop moving ya suicidal git! [He comes skidding to a halt in the snow next to her]


slaying January 3 2010, 20:27:28 UTC
[Too busy wincing in pain to look up and see who's talking but, through gritted teeth, she responds:] This wasn't really my choice of outdoor activities, today. I was thinking something more in a not bleeding everywhere.


james_morph January 3 2010, 20:30:17 UTC
Well the more you move, the more blood you'll lose, now stop moving so I can help you.

[Gives her a quasi-stern look, taking his coat and vest off and laying them across Buffy's shoulders.] Alright, can you tell me where you live?


slaying January 3 2010, 20:32:30 UTC
House seven. Look, there's a doctor there--okay? I just need to get to him. No other help required. [Her dignity is suffering, along with her internals.]


hippocraticly January 3 2010, 20:32:42 UTC
[ McCoy had been opting to stay inside due to the abundant snowfall that had fallen since Christmas and the accompanying winter chilliness in the air, although the weather had been ordinary since the New Year chimed in Luceti. The doctor had only been outside during the sporadic journeys to and from the clinic and drinking at the Good Spirits Bar, the latter of which he had just returned from when he noticed a smear of blood on the door to House Seven.

Concern and worry that had been dampened by liquor returned with full force as he pushed open the door and made a beeline for Jim's room; and as expected, there was a familiar mop of blonde hair awaiting him there. His shoulders sagged in an expression of relief, before they tensed up again at the state she had been returned in. ]



slaying January 3 2010, 20:42:53 UTC
[Buffy hisses quietly as she applies another torn strip of the bedsheets to her stomach's right side. The injury, deep and ragged, is exposed only briefly from beneath a white camisole before she fits the clothing back down over her very amateur bandage.

And when the door opens, she is startled. Her head twists and she looks, face haunted, at the entrance. She is such a mess, but there's a can't-be-helped smile when she sees the Doctor. Can't be helped, at least, until she feels the jab of pain once again and has to turn away, holding her palm against herself.]


hippocraticly January 3 2010, 20:59:02 UTC
[ Apart of McCoy, that seldom seen positive side that the doctor possessed, was hoping that Summers would have been returned in the same condition as her previous kidnapping, but watching how she pressed a hand hard against the wound on the right side of her body only proved how unpredictable the Malnosso were.

And the lack of a sarcastic retort from Summers in response does nothing to quell his worry as he disappeared from the door way, only to return moments later with his medical kit and kneels down next to the bed where she is seated and glances at the woman. ]

Let me see that.


slaying January 3 2010, 21:08:16 UTC
[She doesn't reply right away. Oh, not at all. Because that would mean she would have to stop biting hard on her lower lip. And that little prick of extra pain was holding down her visceral reaction to the rawness of the injury beneath her hand.

Slowly, she pulls her palm away. Red is already streaking through from below, staining her tank-top with blood. Now, closer, the Doctor must surely be able to see the hand smudges and odd pools collected around her.

Buffy looks him straight in the eyes, her own wide and searching. When she speaks, her voice is very quiet as if even volume would affect the intensity of the pain.]

Why won't it stop?


reversedarkness January 3 2010, 21:13:14 UTC
[ He was pretty used to blood, thanks to this place, but it still left him somewhat uneasy to see it coming out of a friend. When he spots her, he'll hurry over and hesitate it touching her. ]

Buffy, what the hell happened?!


slaying January 3 2010, 21:19:48 UTC
[She winces, her left foot slipping even as she recognizes Haseo.]

Scientists aren't exactly keen on being nice people, I guess. [A hiss, a shap intake of breath.]


reversedarkness January 3 2010, 21:21:20 UTC
Damn it... we have to get you to the clinic right now. Let me help.. just... where is it hurt? Let me try-- [ He's panicking a bit. ]


slaying January 3 2010, 21:24:28 UTC
Clinic? [Her eyes widen.] No--uhm, house seven? There's a doctor there.

[It's okay, Haseo. Don't panic. She'll make you useful...like how she's reaching out to grab onto your shoulder, preventing a fall.]


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