[Buffy had never before noticed the terrifying effect of blood on snow. Especially when it was her own. In California, blood had a habit of sinking black into the dark, uncovered ground. But as she walks slowly back into the village, she winces to look over her shoulder and see the sporadic trail of bright, bleeding red behind her. There's a bad
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Oi! Stop moving ya suicidal git! [He comes skidding to a halt in the snow next to her]
[Gives her a quasi-stern look, taking his coat and vest off and laying them across Buffy's shoulders.] Alright, can you tell me where you live?
[He pauses for a second and breathes slowly, his body changing shape to accommodate carrying her. His legs growing slightly longer and his upper body mass increasing slightly.] Alright, this might hurt for a sec, but I'll get'cha home.
[He reaches down and ever so deftly, and still delicately, picks her up into his arms, adjusting her so he wont drop her and checking to make sure she's alright]
[She struggles and it's pretty fierce, but lacking any actual Slayer strength--halved or otherwise.]
Stop. That. It's making this more difficult than it has to be, not to mention making yourself bleed more. [He starts walking off slowly, ignoring her protests] And stop giving me the 'tough warrior' act, alright? Everyone gets hurt.
She ceases her verbal protests, but doubles her physical efforts. She tries to grapple for a foot-hold, hoping to use what strength she has left to spring away from the creature she could only see as a new captor.]
His fur cracks to an angry red, and he snaps at down at her with a growl] STOP THAT!
[He shifts awkwardly and looks down at her with an arched eyebrow] Alright?
Picking a girl up against her will and not taking no for an answer? Usually not associated with helping. I was just dumped back by the Malnosso--[groan]]--I don't need to chase that with a second abduction.
[Eyes her a moment] Want me to dump your ass back in the snow?
...........Should you really be talking this much? [Continuing towards her house, he might as well dump this broad off somewhere and get it over with]
[This rather brave front is using up a lot of energy. But she very seriously wants to be let down. There is a panic to her that only began once she had been carried.]
Do I need to knock you out or something? Stop moving. I don't want to drop you on your doorstep. [Fuck, which way was house 7... he looks around with an "oh fuck" feeling]
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