May 12, 2008 14:22
We took Linus to see the Cubs vs the Reds on May 6th, and that was interesting, to say the least. Trying to carry a one month old around a crowded baseball stadium in order to change his diaper wasn't easy, but we managed. For most of the game, Joe and I took turns holding him up so that he could see everything. He loved it, but I told Joe we're not doing this again until Linus is out of diapers.
On the 7th, I decided I wanted to go shopping, since I hadn't been able to spend my own money in ages (yay for tax returns!) and I hate spending money that Joe worked really hard to earn. There are a lot of things I just don't need, like movies and books. I can wait forever to get those.
I took Linus with me, and he slept pretty much the entire time. It was rainy and cold, so I ended up buying an umbrella. It was sort of a big step for me; I hate umbrellas and I don't mind getting rain-soaked, but I don't want Linus to have to deal with that.
I bought P.S. I Love You, then went to Borders and picked up a Chicago Cubs trivia book and Goodnight, Moon . It was the first time I had gone into that store and not purchased any books for myself. (I usually end up with four or five at a time when I shop there.)
I decided against watching Supernatural on Thursday night because I thought it looked creepy. I can deal with that, but I'm not sure how Linus would have handled it, and i didn't want to risk him seeing it. Earlier in the week, I had been watching something with a lot of gunshots, and it scared him. I had planned to watch the episode today, but it's not up at the site yet. Stupid CW.
I bought hair dye on Friday, along with some cocoa butter to get rid of my stretch marks. They look disgusting. I didn't mind them while I was pregnant, but now that I'm not...they're terrible.
I'm now artificially naturally brunette, too.
Joe was offered a raise at work, but it wasn't as much as they should have offered, and they're still treating him like dirt, so he turned it down. I was afraid he would accept. I don't want to stay here anymore, and i would have left him here until he was ready to move back to Indiana.
In the company newletter, which went out today, my name was spelled incorrectly for a birth announcement. Joe told the women in the office that he couldn't bring it home - "Do you know what kind of phone call you're going to get if she sees this?" - so they gave him an edited copy. Their explanation for the typo? "Somebody said it was spelled C-A-T-E, and I didn't think that sounded right, but I wasn't sure."
Whatever. My name is KATHERINE. There's no C in there. I was employed by that company less than a year ago. I'm on Joe's insurance. A simple glance at the friggin' paperwork or a trip down the stairs to ask Joe is all it would have taken. Lazy bitches.
Joe started working the night shift again last night, which means I have more time to relax in the afternoons while he and Linus sleep. Life is good.
Awhile back, LJ had a news post about sponsored accounts, and I thought they sounded dumb. I've since decided to actually see who would be sponsoring the accounts and possibly sign up for one. Does anybody know what happened with those?
life: family,