The hiking continues the following week. Objective: lose ten pounds

Apr 20, 2024 22:14


The fern trail

I stocked up on 35mm film. I purchased ISO 400. I didn’t want to have to wait minutes at a time for a single exposure on the pinhole camera. The downside was clarity. ISO 100 film has a finer grain resulting in clearer images. Too much exposure time, however, will also reduce contrast. I guess that’s why photographers always take multiple shots of a single subject.

Having hiked 12 miles for the ghost of Griffith Park, I took an easier trail the following day. Knowing that lighting is crucial in pinhole photography, however, in the back of my mind I had been contemplating going back to the haunted picnic table to get early morning lighting shots there. For now, I would settle for anything that wouldn’t cause me pain. The amphitheater was a nice surprise. I found myself fantasizing of popular tik-tokers gathering there to explore ideas for their next TikTok vlog entry.

If I do return to the haunted location, I wouldn’t mind a little company. Contact my secretary to check my availability. You know who you are. I don’t do entourages.

No snakes hiding in here

Tin canister

Having strayed a bit from the trail, I discover this thing, a metal canister. Still entertaining fantasies about vloggers in my head, I surmised it to be the change room where aspiring actors could change into their wardrobe.

Overlooking the valley

Just over that mountain, I believe is Sun Valley (San Fernando)

This trail was the Fern Canyon trail but I saw no ferns. The trail summits at a peak looking over the LA River. On my way back, I strayed again from the main trail. The log photo is overlooking the valley toward Glendale/Burbank.

ferns, pinhole, photos

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