Round Two Prompting

Feb 26, 2012 19:19

Welcome to Round 2 of The Slave Exchange Fic Exchange/Mini Big Bang...Sorry for the lateness, yesterday got away from me

This post will be open for comments through 3/10/12.

All prompts are screened so that the master list is a surprise! Don't let that stop you from leaving prompts!

In the meantime consider the following rules for posting your prompts:

1) Anyone can leave up to five prompts.
2) Each prompt must follow the convention given below or it will not be included in the master post.
3) Each prompt must be usable in a White Collar or Leverage setting.
4) Each prompt will be listed in the Master post from which all Authors and Artists will make their claims.
5) This prompt post will open for comments on February 26 and close March 3rd.
6) The only fields absolutely required for the prompt are your username and the Primary Prompt Phrase
7) Please keep your prompt simple, three to five words to give the author and artist a direction.

Prompt Convention:

Username: Your username
Fandom: White Collar or Leverage
Master(s): If you wish to specify which character or characters are the Masters.
Slave(s): If you wish to specify which character or characters are the slaves.
Primary Prompt Phrase: Three to five word prompt which the writer will use to frame their fic
Secondary Prompt Phrase: Three to five word prompt which the writer MAY use to frame their fic.

Copy and Paste from below to make things easy.
Primary Prompt Phrase:
Secondary Prompt Phrase:
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