So, after recommending it to tarchanon yesterday, I reread
"Jeffrey Nullier's Man With Fedora" by sam_storyteller. If you haven't read it, I can't recommend it enough - it's White Collar and gen but with distinct P/E/N undertones especially later on. Her descriptions of the Nullier paintings are so good that you can visualise them, and even believe that they're real paintings. I love her absolute attention to detail and how she really got into the mind of a fiction artist painting fiction art that she needed to make 'real' - and succeeded (there's also a great alternate epilogue).
The knock on effect is that I found my fingers itching to be able to sketch/paint some of them. Now, I'm not especially skilled at portraits, but the Man With Fedora painting really appealed. My hands have been behaving lately, so I got out my sketch pad and found some pics to model it on. I did pretty well with getting Peter's face on a small scale, it just had to be scaled up but I was struggling to get the fedora right for angle & positioning on his head. So, I started again but with the fedora instead. Did really well at getting the a good sized fedora... but then came to put the face under it... and couldn't get the positioning/scale right for the face *facepalms*. So, I've put it down for now. I'll come back to it later. But it's nibbling away at my brain lol. I just want to be able to pull it off and do it justice, but I also have trouble knowing my own limits ;)
The only other story that's made me want to paint what's described is the SGA tie-in novel "Reflections" which focuses on Lorne and is read on the audio book by Kavan Smith (who plays him). In it he's painting at the end, there's been a description in it where he talks about an another universe where our brains can't compute the information because there's several more dimensions than we have. I loved the idea of writing what is described by Evan in it. But I can't quite figure out how I could capture those extra dimensions.
Ok...I'm gonna stop with the arty babbling. lol.
How the hell are you, flisters? *snuggles you all*