Christmas Fic Part 2 of 4

Dec 11, 2006 19:44

Title: A Christmas Gift for Justin
Rating: R
Part: 2/4
Genre: some angst, some humor (you know me)
Pairing: Brian/Justin; Justin/other (sort of)
Summary: Brian seems very interested in two travelers to Pittsburgh.
Timeline: Alternate Season 1

Disclaimers: I do not own Cowlip or the boys. I also do not know the location of Bigfoot.

NOTE: IMPORTANT! I mentioned Justin/other above. Remember, I am a BJ girl through and through. The J/O is more of a friendship thing really, when you get right down to it.

This is a Christmas story and there will be a happy ending.

If you find you don't the direction this story is going, you might want to read it anyway. You can flame me with a Ripley-sized flamethrower afterwards for wasting your time.

Part 1

The weather outside was in the lower nether regions but you wouldn't think it once you walked into Babylon, with it's glut of half-naked men dancing to the beat that continued to pulse around the popular nightspot.

And as a light winter snow started to fall on the ground outside the club, inside confetti rained down on the same dancing, half-naked men.

There was quite a selection of men to choose from tonight but Brian was looking only for one.

The one who he had overheard talking to his dinner companion about needing to go to Babylon tonight. The dark haired man, the one named Ted, was quite insistent that they come to the club, in fact.

The kid (Brian refused to acknowledge the part of his brain that kept telling him the kid's name was Justin) shouldn't be too hard to spot, with that blond hair.

He scanned the crowds and his face fell on the same dark haired man from the diner.


He was standing against the bar, nursing a drink. Brian could have cared less about the man, but if Ted was there then Justin wouldn't be too far from him. As he scanned the area surrounding Ted, he could not see the boy anywhere. He then followed Ted's gaze onto the dance floor.


Once again, Brian found himself catching his breath. God, the boy was beautiful! He was dancing, seemingly with himself, while confetti rained down on him, and Brian could just make out a touch of glitter splattered across his nose and cheeks, accentuated by a fine sheet of sweat coating his face and throat. Sweat he was most assuredly going to have to lick off very slowly once he got the chance.

Brian broke off his staring at Justin to see if Ted's attention was still on the kid so he could make his move more discreetly. As he turned to face the other man, he was caught unaware by Ted staring directly back at him.

Brian thought that all that was missing was some Sergio Leone music as the two men continued to stare each other down.

The other man broke off the stare as Justin came back to the bar, pecked the boy on the cheek chastely and then the two turned facing the barman.

Brian thought he might have to reconsider his next plan of action because there seemed to be something between the two that went deeper than what he had been witness to - a feeling of something surrounding them that was not quite tangible - however, he was Brian Kinney and he would get what he wanted because he usually did.


"That man seems to have taken an interest in you," Ted said to Justin while they were drinking at the bar.

"Oh? Man? What...what man?" Justin asked innocently.

Ted chuckled. "The one you thought was, and I quote, 'the face of God' at the diner."

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed," Justin said while drinking and blushing a nice shade of red.

"Stay away from him. He's bad news. He'd break your heart without a second's thought," Ted said looking directly at Justin.

"I don't know - I think he's different. I don't think he's as bad as you think."

"And you of course can tell all this by having watched him throughout your meal."

"No, it's just a feeling and I was not 'watching' him the whole time in the diner," Justin said defensively.

"Uh huh...he's trouble. I can just feel it."

"So I know what I want for Christmas this year," Justin said teasingly, trying to change the subject.

"Oh? Well, I'll just crack open my Platinum American Express card and we'll go shopping at the local mall," Ted replied sarcastically.

"No, I don't mean that. I mean," and at this Justin looked longingly at Brian, who's attention seemed to be everywhere but in his direction. "Well, can I...I don't wanttobeavirginanymore."


"No? No, what?"


"Ted! I'm 17 and this isn't fair!"

"No Justin! We've been over this."

"Fuck Ted! Fine!" Justin said while crossing his arms over his chest while looking in the direction of Brian again. He then turned and looked coyly over at Ted. "Well, if you won't let me have anyone else, then," and with this Justin started running his finger up and down Ted's shirt front, "you could always..."

"No, just no. I told you - not unless you actually returned affections," Ted said while looking away. "I don't want to ruin what we actually have."

"Then let me be with someone!" Justin pleaded once more.

"No. Just go dance - you'll have to go back to the hotel soon."

Justin turned and walked off to the dance floor, unaware of a pair of hazel eyes intently watching his every move.

"Nice," came a slurred voice from the side.

"What?" Ted asked.

"The kid - he threw himself at you and you turned him down. Real nice," he repeated while attempting to make an 'okay' gesture with his fingers. "If a nice piece of ass asked me to fuck him, I'd be in the backroom before you could say...I don't know...before you could say something," slurred the drunken man.

"I can't. I'm not going to force him."

"It didn't sound like you'd be forcing him."

"No, he needs to come to me, when he sees that we should be together. He just needs time - he's still young," Ted said uncertainly, wondering why he was actually having a conversation with the drunken barfly.

"Bet he won't mind 'returning Kinney's affections' though," the drunk said pointing to Brian on the dance floor, who was currently making a bee-line for Justin.

Ted looked at Brian. "Great! That's all I need - Kinney!"

Justin headed towards the dance floor stopping along the way against a pillar. He would never have the kind of feelings Ted wanted him to have towards him. It wasn't that he didn't love Ted, he did, just not that way. Ted would never understand. The older man usually gave in to what Justin wanted, on the little things, and he might eventually give in on this - allowing him to finally have physical attention - but he would never, and he was quite certain of it, never let Justin have what he really wanted.


"Hey," Justin replied. He looked up at the man from the diner.

"Had a busy night?" Brian asked.

"Um, yeah." Justin didn't want to look like the scared little virgin that he really was as he held his chin up defiantly. "You know - the usual - I've done clubs like this thousands of times."

"Oh really?" Brian chuckled. "So how many times have you been to the backroom tonight?"

"Lots," Justin said while shaking his head.

"What'd you do?"

"Well, you know, backroom...type...things," Justin winced.

Brian bit his lip. "Oh, pretty well-rounded - huh? So, what do you think of rimming?"

Justin then became excited. "Oh I love it! I used to do it all the time."

Brian then lifted his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Oh yeah - mind you though - I haven't been near a skateboard in years."

Brian tried hard not to laugh. "You're too much Sunshine. I have got to get you home!"

"I'm not sure-"

"Let's dance first," and with that Brian hauled Justin back onto the dance floor. Just as Justin started to dance a few feet away from Brian, Brian took hold of Justin's shoulders and brought his body flush with his own.

"This is much better," Brian whispered while looking directly into Justin's eyes while resting his forehead against the boy's.

Brian kept Justin close to him, holding his gaze as they continued to move back and forth to the beat, unaware of the manic bodies moving around them on the dance floor.

"So blue...," Brian murmured (ignoring the voice in his head that just told him he had said that out loud) while leaning over to swipe his tongue over Justin's lips. "I've been wanting to do that," and with that Brian leaned in again and plundered Justin's mouth, Justin responding just as enthusiastically.

As quick as the kiss began though, it ended as Justin pulled away, Brian trying to chase Justin's retreating lips with his own.

"Don't stop now," Brian said with a dreamlike smile.

"Um, I don't think Ted would like this...what we just did," Justin stammered.

Not put off by Justin's excuse, Brian leaned in again. "Fuck Ted..." and Brian stopped, slightly wary, "...unless you already have."

"No! Oh no. We're not like that."

"Well that's a relief," Brian sighed as he leaned in once more.

"No. We can't," Justin said as he put his palm on Brian's chest.

"What the fuck is Ted to you! I don't get it. What's he got on you!" Brian asked frustratedly.

"I sort of owe him...he's kinda like see, he sort of...owns me," Justin said with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Owns you?! Owns you," Brian laughed. "You just simply have to explain this."

"I owe him a life debt. He saved my life, so I owe him and part of what he wanted was that I-"

"Wait. A life debt? What are we, in medieval times?" Brian looked the boy over. He was starting to think that fairy tale theory wasn't too far off the beaten path. Images of Justin in a stone keep somewhere while Ted stood watch over said keep came to mind.

"Look, just come home with me. You said you two don't do anything, so come on, come home with me. We'll even ask your keeper." Brian grabbed Justin's hand.

"Is there a problem here?" asked a third voice.

"No, Ted. There's nothing wrong," Justin said dropping his hand from Brian's.

"I want to take Justin home...with me. Is there a problem with that? Ted?" Brian asked, taking Justin's hand again.

"He's not some random trick, Kinney. Justin, come with me, now," Ted stated.

"Don't tell him what he can and can't do," Brian started. Brian turned his attention back to Justin. "You're not really going to let him call the shots, are you?" Justin looked back and forth between the two men.

"I can and I'm telling him to come with me now," Ted stated again.

"Ted, please? Just this once? Please? I'll owe you," Justin pleaded.

"You already do owe me," Ted sighed as he looked into Justin's face. It was the same face that made him bend the rules the first time.

Ted was just about to say something when some men came running down from the balcony. "SOMEONE CALL 911. CALL 911!!"

One of Sap's men grabbed one of the guy's arms, "what's going on?"

The man stopped to take a deep breath. "A guy up on the third level just overdosed on something. He's not breathing and he doesn't have a pulse. Call someone quick!"

"Shit," the man exclaimed and took off to get help.

"I have to go Justin. Go back to the hotel now. We'll talk about this later."

"Please Ted. Just this once...please," Justin begged.

Ted looked at Justin again. It wasn't fair what he asked of the boy sometimes. He would give Justin almost anything he would ask for. Well almost anything. He could never give him what he really wanted because then he would be gone and Ted would be alone again.

"Just be back at the hotel," and with that Justin looked dejectedly down at the floor, "in the morning."

Justin looked up at Ted, a huge smile forming on his face.

"You mean it? Ted, do you mean it?"

"Yes, now go, I've got to get going too."

Justin looked up at the balconies. Justin reached out and hugged Ted while planting a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you! Thank you!"

And with that Ted watched as Justin was led out of the club by Brian, the man looking back at him once while nodding his head as way of thanks.

Ted turned back to the bar to pay his tab, ignoring the voice in his head again that told him he didn't need to let Justin do anything as he was his - he made a deal. As he was reaching for his money, the drunk from before reached out and grabbed Ted's hand. "I can't believe you, man. You won't do the kid cuz you don't wanna hurt him, but you let him go with Kinney. Man, you're fucked up," the man said while shaking his head.

Ted regarded the man. He then leaned over to whisper into the drunk's ear. "It's just a suggestion, and you probably won't take it, but for what it's worth, if I were you, I really would start thinking about cutting back on the booze and I don't mean just tonight." Ted then straightened up. "Just saying," Ted shrugged with a smirk.

And then Ted walked away after having paid the bill, heading for the stairs.

And while the music continued to beat on, things were slightly different on the third level balcony.

"Shit, what happened here?" asked the confused man of the on-lookers on the balcony. "Hey what's with all the paramedics," he asked again when no one seemed to hear him. "Hey, hello!" He then waved his hands in front of their faces. "What-?"

"They can't see or hear you," came a voice to his left.


"Look," and the man pointed to the ground where three paramedics were administering aid to the fallen person.

"Is that...oh shit?! That's...that's me!" the panic stricken man shouted. "No! No, no, no...oh, please, no." The man then covered his eyes. Once he had come to grips with what was happening, he turned to the man who seemed to be the only one who could see or hear him. "What happened?"

"You OD'd," said the man.

"Man, I knew I shouldn't have trusted that pig, Anita. What was in that crap?"

"You really should only take drugs prescribed to you by an authorized physician."

The man looked up at him. Then looked down at the body lying on the ground.

"No chance of taking that advice again, now is there?"

"Afraid not, Josh."

"How do you know my name? Hey wait a sec. Why are you the only one who can...Oh Fuck! Shit!" The man continued to look between his body lying on the ground and the man standing and talking to him. "I am dead, aren't I? So that makes you the...the Grim Reaper?"

"I'm not grim - I'm just sullen. And I'm not the reaper. I'm a reaper- at least one of them. I can't be everywhere at once you know."

"So you're the - I mean a reaper and you're taking me heaven?"

"Well that remains to be seen. I'll just guide you to the next stop."

"This is real, isn't it? I'm not suddenly going to wake up, am I?"

Both men stared down at the paramedics as they continued to work on the body.

"It's no use. Call time of death," one of the medics said solemnly.

The man looked at Ted, suddenly more resigned to his fate, ready to face the next leg on his journey. "Okay, reaper-man, let's go then."

"Follow me. Oh, and Josh? The name's Ted."


Feedback is welcome and loved - no matter what it is!

xmas fic

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