QaF Christmas fic Chap 1/4

Dec 08, 2006 20:44

So I've written a Christmas fic. It is in 4 parts.

This is not, and I repeat, not crack!fic. If it's bad, then it's bad!fic so (shit! I hope it's not bad!)

Title: A Christmas Gift for Justin
Rating: R
Part: 1/4
Genre: some angst, some humor (you know me)
Pairing: Brian/Justin; Justin/other (sort of)
Summary: Brian seems very interested in two travelers to Pittsburgh.
Timeline: Alternate Season 1

Disclaimers: I do not own Cowlip or the boys but my teeth are my own.

Another boring night at the diner.

It seems at times, that this life Brian created for himself will always and forever be along the same lines as shampoo instructions.

Get up. Be fabulous at work. Go to the diner and meet up with everyone. Go to Babylon. Fuck as many men as possible. Fall asleep in a drug and/or alcohol induced stupor. Repeat.

"Hey Brian. Whaddaya say we go to Woody's tonight?" Mikey asked between mouthfuls of his sandwich.

Oh that's right. He forgot about the slight variations in his plans sometimes.

Get up. Be fabulous at work. Go to the diner and meet up with everyone. Go to Woodys. Fuck as many men as possible. Fall asleep in a drug and/or alcohol induced stupor. Repeat.

What can you say - he liked to shake things up a bit sometimes.

"Aww come on now. I wanted to go to Babylon tonight. I got all dressed up for it," Emmett said with his arms crossed against his chest and a pout on his lips.

"Well I wouldn't want to be responsible for Emmett's disappointment so I guess Babylon it is tonight," Brian said off-handedly.

Debbie chose that moment to walk up to the table, cracking her gum while grabbing the pencil that was permanently ensconced behind her ear. "So where's the fourth in your little quartet?"

"He had some work to handle so he said he would be running late but he should be here soon," Mikey supplied.

"Should I just get his usual ready baby?"

"Yeah Ma, that'd be nice."

As Debbie walked away, the bell above the door jingled signaling somebody new coming in.

As Brian looked up, he caught sight of two men walking in. The man in front obscured the man behind him. Brian suddenly had an intense chill as he took in the first man - not too tall, not too short, not too dark, not too light. In fact, everything screamed 'average' at Brian. However, it was the eyes that caught him unawares - dark and intense, like his hair. The man wore his solemnity and graveness like Brian wore Armani and Prada.

As the man took his seat in the next booth over, Brian took in his companion.

To say that Brian was rendered incapable of thought processes at the moment would have been a gross understatement.

Brian stared at the boy. Whereas the man was dark and cold, the boy was light and warmth. Surely this boy, with his mop of blond hair, bright blue eyes and fair complexion, wouldn't have anything to do with the man he sat down with.

He was convinced at this point the man had just picked up the boy and was treating him to a warm meal. Perhaps the boy was homeless? But that couldn't be because the boy looked more cared for than someone on the street.

"Please, can we stay here? In Pittsburgh - just through Christmas, please?" the boy pleaded.

Okay, so much for that theory. They were together.

"No Justin. You know as well as I that we have to keep moving. We can't just stay in one place," replied the man, leveling the boy with his intense gaze.

Justin - his name is Justin.

"I know - it's just through Christmas though. That's only a few days away! Please?" the boy continued to plead. Brian wanted to make his case for Justin also.

Of course, what Brian really wanted the boy for, he would only need a day - well, technically not even a whole day.

"Just drop it. Here's the waitress now."

"What can I get for ya," Debbie asked while continuing to pop her gum.

"Just get me something that isn't swimming in some disgusting sauce," said the man. "Surprise me."

"Okay, what about you Sunshine," Debbie said while smiling at Justin. Justin returned the smile.

Yeah, Sunshine. It worked.

"A double bacon cheeseburger, a large plate of fries and one of those big Chocolate shakes please."

"I'll get right on that!" And with that Debbie was off to take the order to the kitchen.

Brian continued to study the two men while Mikey and Emmett were deep into their own conversation.

Brian was now sure the two men were 'together' so to speak but how he wasn't sure. He was reminded of old tales, fairy tales (Brian laughed at his own pun) of creatures of dark who required creatures of light to exist - slowly feeding off their energy. An ogre who required a fair and beautiful boy (and Justin was beautiful) so he could have safe passage amongst the mortals. Or even more basic than that - a Morlock who required an Eloi for sustenance.

Then Brian laughed at himself once more for having such thoughts. He reminded himself that he was bored and the boy was a tasty morsel he would most assuredly like to take back to the loft (definitely not a quickie in the backroom at Babylon) and enjoy, savoring every last bite he could.

Brian shivered and shifted in his seat. Thoughts like that were not conducive to his current situation.

Yes of course, what Brian Kinney wanted, Brian Kinney usually got. Usually.

But seeing the boy (no Justin, his name is Justin) with the other man - the very strange, unsettling man - might just pose a challenge.

But Brian always loved a challenge. And it did break the monotony very nicely.

And he really wanted to take the kid home.

As Brian leaned it to listen to more of their conversation, someone approached their table.

"Oh hi sweetie. We were wondering when you would get here!" Emmett squealed.

"Sorry I'm late guys. You would think with the term being out for the Christmas holidays, I would be spared all this but oh no." Brian looked over to see Ben kiss Mikey on the lips chastely.

"Good," Brian replied, "someone go tell Debbie the 'fourth' in our little quartet has arrived."

Brian, annoyed with the interruption tuned back to Justin and his companion's conversation.

"Please, can we stay through Christmas. Please?" Justin asked one more time, with just a hint of exasperation.

"Okay, Justin. Just through Christmas," replied the man.

"You mean it?"

"Yes," said the man, the corners of his mouth turning up into a small smile.

With that Justin smiled and reached over to kiss the man on the cheek. "Oh thank you! Thank you Ted!"


Feedback is welcome and appreciated - really.

xmas fic

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