ON THIS DAY IN 1882 VIRGINIA WOOLF was born. I must admit I am not a big fan of her writing. That is, her writing of fiction. I tried her LIGHTHOUSE book and I just couldn't find a groove in her mile-long sentences. A friend suggested I try her essays, instead. It was a good suggestion. I enjoyed "A Room Of One's Own."
So it wasn't her art that inspired me to render her portrait. And as I explained
in this post, it wasn't "her person," as it so often can be with my subjects. No, I just set out one day to combine my sketch of Virginia Woolf's head with a model's body I had stolen from a page of a clothes catalog with a photo of mine of a river in Ireland. Rather, Frankenstein of me, if I do say so.
Some eight months later,
I discovered some interesting biographical information that pleased me of my choices in my rendering. But they were after the fact, so I was writing poetry into something that already existed.
I've always liked this piece-just cuz-I guess!
Lately, I've been doing these blogs as a lead-in to the fact that they're hanging in my show at the hospital but this is one image that isn't there, this year. It was on display at last year's show but now hangs in the collection of an attorney from Springfield.
I hope the exclusion of VIRGINIA WOOLF doesn't stop you from checking out this show!