self esteem?? <>continued<>

Aug 15, 2004 21:12

alright. i made a big ass of myself last entry. i know it's the same day..about two three seconds after the last one. but still i think i can explain it muich better here. i know alot of people who hav contemplated the end of their life. and they have looked past it and have quit. some still have the same problems, but they have developed an immune system towards it, so it wouldn't be that bad. when i get that sudden urge, it's like a relief. i need to do some harm to myself. it's like my inhaler. i can't breathe and i'm having some difficulty breathing, so i take my inhaler. i'm better, i can feel better again.
this may scare some and they may need to tell my mother, don't. because the last time i did it was back at the begginning of exams last year, so don't get 'flustered'. but as i said in my last entry i thought about putting my life to and 'end' i didn't say i would but i thought about it. i know it's foolish of me to say it. i know that my life isn't as hard as someone out there. it isnt even half as bad. i'm an over reactor as i am told. but it seems like no one wants me here and i'm not welcomed here anymore.but i do need to leave you now. because a certain person who makes me feel that way wants me off the computer. so loves and i promise i will work on eliminating these thoughts from my mind.

with a heavy heart

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